lol... I guess I should explain. The M60s/M80s as surrounds would be a test, if I don't like them (as surrounds) I would then put them to good use downstairs. If the stands didn't work for me they would pretty much become useless.

to me, spending 1000$+ on speakers is okay... because I WILL put them to good use one way or another... the stands would just sit there and well... do nothing. that's why spending 400$ on them is a tough sell for me. with that money I could get a pair of M3s or put a bit more and get the M22s... at least they'll be doing something more than just sitting there taking up space! lol!

As for the M80s being overkill, I was thinking they would be (but hoping they wouldn't be), and as I mentioned would be going downstairs if they were, and I would pick up a pair of Q8s or Q4s for the 7.1.

So I've got the Q8s, another set of Q8s would be best then? Would a set of Q8s work well with a pair of Q4s? I'm thinking I could get a pair of those and a pair of M60s for downstairs.

Thanks for the invite to audition! I'll check with my travel agent!

- Majik

Epic 80 system
Ep 800
Denon 3808
Optoma HD20
extra QS8s (to come soon)