Ajax: Thanks very much. That information is extremely helpful. I probably would have screwed up on the splitter vs. switch question even though someone was nice enough to post a link directly to what I need. The information about the wire hook-ups also is great.

Based on this information, I am leaning toward the 435-Z and the Oppo. I probably wouldn't notice the difference between the Oppo and the Sony, but I too definitely fall into the "even if I can't see it, I just might know it's there, and it would bother me anyway." Since my main purpose is movies not music, seems like the better choice.

And thanks WJJ. I'll check that e-bay auction site out. (Well, with the help of my wife, who actually knows how e-bay works).

Any other thoughts folks have is appreciated. I am getting more and more interested in this stuff as I learn more about it (it at first was purely a chore trying to figure this out--which is why I've put it off for at least six months).

And--my new speakers were just delivered to my office! Had them delivered here rather than at home so they don't sit in the rain. I'll get them home this weekend.