Though it's been a while, we've had a problem with the word "upgrade" around here before. My Webster's has the definition of "upgrade" as "1. to promote to a more skilled job at higher pay" (I think we can safely ignore that particular definition), and "2. to raise in importance, value, esteem,etc."

I don't know about you, but to me, that definition leaves defining something as an "upgrade" in the subjective realm. IF someone considers his new speakers to be more important to him than his old, he's made an "upgrade." IF his new speakers cost more, i.e, are more valuable, then they, legitimately, could be considered an "upgrade."

But, even if the new speakers cost less than the old, if the owner "values" them more, holds them in higher esteem, i.e. likes them more, then they also, legitimately, could be considered an "upgrade."

So, it seems to me, based on the dictionary definition above, if the new speakers cost more, or the owner likes them more, he can reasonably call them an upgrade, even if others might not feel the same. YMMV


"People generally quarrel because they cannot argue." - G. K. Chesterton