Stone__Man, is that you?

Or has Stoney recruited Mike into his legion?

Mike, I'm not here to flog you, or plaster you, or anything like that. There is nothing wrong with you hating homosexual acts. That's just how your brain is programmed - to be a heterosexual. It's not as if you have to stop and think which gender you are interested in when you go out on dates, right? The answer is obvious to you and has been since puberty.

I really believe that for gays/lesbians, the same is true. It's not a choice for them either; they are just being who they are. Being true to themselves, just as God made them.

As an aside: sometimes I suspect that God is wondering not whether we all can be heterosexual, as many who quote the Bible would have you believe, but rather how those of us who are will act towards those who are not. To me, tolerance, kindness, and humility have always been some of the biggest virtues. And the ones that Jesus seemed to especially like. Jesus, the original liberal!

Regarding Peter, the only time I have seen him stern (not even angry, really) was this weekend when he confronted Stone__Man on his behavior. Peter's posts are funny and, yes, he does indeed sound like a wonderfully nice chap. And in my line of work, I have to be a good judge of character.

Bears, beets, Battlestar Galactica.