Frankly, the whole reason for working out in the AM, is to do so on an empty stomach. When you work out after a fasting period, fat is burnt for fuel at a much higher rate than possible doing so any other way. I do not recall the exact figures, but I seem to recall fat burning is more than doubled. Normally, your metabolism burns carbohydrates for fuel and when it runs out them, it starts using protein, then it starts using fat. After a fast, it turns to fat for fuel first. But if you can not work out on an empty stomach, I’d recommend you stick with just enough oatmeal to ease the discomfort. You may even be able to get away with a cup of coffee……

If you can not split your workouts into two times per day, I personally would rather do cardio first (and I do when I do both in one session). When I’m done with the weights, I don’t have the energy for cardio. I just want to go home and relax for a while.

Supersets are doing two exercises back to back without rest. Normally a short rest period is needed between sets. When you do supersets, you pair up two different exercises from two different muscle groups and do them back to back without rest. That is where “push-pull” comes into play. You do a chest exercise first, then immediately do a back exercise. You can get away without resting because you are using two different “prime” muscle groups. By working out without rest, your heart rate remains higher, which will ultimately burn more calories. Anaerobic exercise (weight training) is not a very efficient method for weight reduction, but needed. Supersets help in this regards. I always do supersets when I work out with the exception of the days I work legs. When I work legs I’m too exhausted between sets to do anything else. I’ve actually spent quite a bit of time hugging porcelain on leg days after doing some heavy squats. But for all other body parts, I prefer to do supersets because I get out the gym quicker.

I’ve tried many different brands and types of protein and I always migrate back to EAS products. I really liked their Precision Protein, but I can’t find it anymore. I think they stopped making the stuff. It was / is expensive, but damn that stuff worked great. – It mixed perfectly too…. Well anyway, I have been using the same thing you posted a link to. - EAS 100% Whey Protein. It mixes well, tastes good (for protein anyway) and has a fat content of less than 20%.

There’s two books that I rather like, and the only two that I recommend (and I’ve read dozens). One for folks new to weight training is Body for Life, by Bill Philips. Philips is the owner of EAS and there’s a lot of differing opinions about him and his marketing, but I think Body for Life is an outstanding book for folks just getting into this. He also has a couple more books out, but I have not read them. The second book, and my all time favorite, is Arnold Schwarzenegger’s New Encyclopedia of Modern Body Building. He revised it in 99 and I have yet to find a book with more useful information in it than this one.