Originally Posted By: terzaghi
from the denon manual:

microprocessor reset (master power off, hold down both the DSP and the Standard button, master power on, wait for three flashes, release buttons)

standard reset (master power off, hold down both the 'up arrow' button and the 'down arrow' button, master power on, wait for the flashing, release buttons).

I did a standard reset, it resets all of your channel levels, any audessey results, video settings/ input names and assignments, ect.- basically puts it back to its factory setting (without downgrading any firmware updates that you may have installed.)

not sure if that is really necessary if you plan on running audessey. I would do a reset first if for some reason you decide to do everything manually after you have already ran audessey.

Thanks terzaghi for the fast response. I'm standing with my nose against the window wondering "where oh where is that FEDEX truck"

"Real Gun Control Is Hitting What You Aim At" - can't remember