Political topics just get people fired up a lot of the time. There are so many STRONG feelings about it. I can't think of any US president that hasn't had some sort of issue since I was old enough to be aware of politics, our current debt ridden president included... Of course I love the people that say "Well, if you don't like it, why don't get leave?" as if that is such an easy subject, and where would we leave to? Canada? Too cold for my wife. Mexico? Too many drug/gang crap there. Europe? They are full of their issues too.

I just think that since the US is full of probably the most connected, give it to me now people, that so many of us have run amok and share all of our misfortunes and debacles with the rest of the world.

It is the American dream after all: Get to the top and it doesn't matter who you have to climb over, step on, and destroy to get there... Once there, fight to save yourself like no other.


Farewell - June 4, 2020