Originally Posted By: medic8r
Yes, casey01, you are on target. Substitute "cult fringe" for "Tea Party" and you'll see that Senator Harkin said the same thing today:

"The sad thing is America no longer has a two-party system," Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) said at a press conference Wednesday. "One of our two parties has morphed into kind of a cult driven by a singular fixation and obsession: preserving tax breaks for the wealthy at all costs ..."

"The fight is not between Democrats and Republicans, it's Republicans and their cult fringe, as I refer to them out there. You'll find all sorts of Republicans who are willing to let this country go down the tubes on their ideological ideal."

Originally Posted By: michael_d
Two party system.... I hate it. Long gone are the days of voting FOR someone, and it's been replaced by voting AGAINST someone.

The two party system that has evolved over modern times has not served us well. I've always thought Harkin was a tool and his recent statement reinforces that for me.

I think if we could scrap the primary voting system and replace it all with a general election run off we'd be so much better off. It's the closest thing to being able to vote FOR someone instead of simply voting against the other.