Here is the problem with corn, it isn't digestible by cats or dogs. It makes you dog feel full, but it is also a fiber and a very good one at that. So it pushes the food through the intestines so quickly that the intestines can't absorb all the nutrients of the food. This forced you to feed more often to get the same amount of nutrients to the cat. The is a huge problem, first, is it costing you more, because you have to feed more, it also requires more trips to the litter box, or the back yard if your a dog owner. But it also increased the daily amount of sugars and fats and this can cause a whole host of medical issues down the road, like obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, liver failure and possibly cancer.

We have people come in the store and see the food we have and then say, "well he's been on Science Diet for 5 years now, he likes it and it hasn't hurt him." That is like saying, "I haven't gotten the oil changed on my car in a couple of years, it still runs, so i am good."

We just shake our had as they walk out the door.



Axiom M80, VP180, Qs8, EP500
Epson 3020
Rotel RB-880
Denon AVR-990