The standard mentioned(80HZ crossover)was a standard developed by THX many years ago, prior to the availability and flexibility that exists in A/V equipment today in which the user has many more choices and the ability to enhance what they hear.

Relative to this discussion, for years now and with the training, software and the appropriate meters, I have done calibrations on display monitors which is invariably all designed to bring a monitor to the video "standard" pre-determined by the influential Image Science Foundation and a picture that is as close as possible to the original. There is, however, a hitch to all of this. I have done calibrations for many customers including a significant number of long-term audio/videophiles, whom, after viewing the calibrated picture, did not like the "look" and, in the end, chose to revert back to one of the default settings on the monitor which was much more pleasing to them.

Their choice may not have been the "standard" but it is reality.