There's more to the Kony2012 video. Upon further research I've found there has been a lot of dissent surrounding the movement as a whole. I personally questioned the military intervention aspect, but this is only one objectionable piece of a much bigger puzzle.

It's easy to get sucked in when a video "pulls" at your emotions; I did. I question most everything, but the video got the better of me because there were children involved. It turned me from a libertarian socialist that abhors war and military intervention, to someone with a knee-jerk reaction supporting it. Don't get me wrong, I believe that military intervention can be just (after all other peaceful means have been exhausted), but there is one fundamental principal, and that is the people have to overwhelmingly agree to it-in this case the people of Uganda-and this definitely doesn't seem to be the case.

It's incontrovertible that Kony needs to be captured and brought to justice, but this will accomplish very little as it's a systemic problem in impoverished countries with corrupt president's and other curable contributing factors. The Ugandan president Yoweri Museveni-whom is a great friend of the U.S.-is wanted on war crimes...

If you read the articles and watch the video below (even do further research), it may change your view. It changed mine.

KONY 2012 Response from Adam Branch in Uganda

"Invisible Children" Co-founder (KONY 2012) Hints It's About Jesus, and Evangelizing

Joseph Kony 2012: growing outrage in Uganda over film

Video by a female blogger in Uganda.

We (White westerners) aren't the grandeur's of the universe.


The only reasonable argument for owning a gun is to protect yourself from the police.