Well guys, it doesn't matter what country you live in these days.

The Western World has lived the good life on credit & largely beyond its means for the past 50 years - obscene debt that is still massively increasing with few plans anywhere to even begin to get a grip on it. Parties on the left, right & center are all responsible (guilty?). While they vehemently spout their respective ideologies during campaigns, they are largely the same once in office - invent more programs, borrow from your rivals (China?), spend excessively & print money when it runs out.

It has gotten to the point that our collective debt is so massive that it cannot ever be paid back. That will eventually bite us.

When the laws of economics finally kick in with a vengence, and they will, it won't matter what politician or party is in power. They will be impotent to do anything to stop the downward spiral once it really cranks up.

Suffice it to say, Europe & North America are in big trouble not far down the road. We are just in the preliminary stages of this phenomena. I see no real leaders anywhere out there that will demonstrate the fortitude to tell the populace of our respective countries the truth of our collective economic situation & the need to tackle it now. Our longstanding 'sense of entitlement' is killing us.

As a radio talk show host said the other day - 'Where is there a Churchill when we need one'...