Here in California we have grade school text books which indoctrinate children, 1st, 2nd 3rd graders about families with 2 moms or two dads. I don't agree with this and I don't think it is healthy, for the children or society.

We have children in our local school system whose parents refuse to declare their gender. The parents are waiting until the children are old enough so the children will decide their gender. Are we going to have sex change operations for grade schoolers because their parents are totally confused and so politically correct they've descended into moronism?

When I was a kid, neither I nor my peers wanted to think about their parents kissing. Eeeuuw. But now, adopted kids will have to deal with dad kissing dad, schmuck smoking, mom and mom?

I don't think this cultural detour is healthy. You can call it civil rights, but I disagree. Any person, gay or straight, has the right to marry a person of opposite gender. If people of same gender want to live together, enter civil unions, fine! They have that civil right.

Don't bring the institution of marriage down to accommodate the vanity of people who for whatever reason are stuck in a biological dead end and don't reward same sex unions which could never produce children biologically with children by adoption.

Above all, IMHO, do not confuse children with the idea that same sex unions are as wholesome, socially beneficial and as healthy as man/woman unions.

Enjoy the Music. Trust your ears. Laugh at Folks Who Claim to Know it All.