FredK is unable to distinguish between hypocrites and Godly people.

I think what lies underneath this entire conversation is the progressive idea of moral relativism. Who are you to say that one culture is better than another? That one set of values is morally superior to another?

What emerges as the central axiom of this politically correct amoral creed is that thou shall not make moral distinctions! What is moral is that which is legal. What is immoral is that which is illegal, or hate speech which is certainly immoral. Hate speech may be defined, in part, as speech which makes moral distinctions which reflect poorly on any democratic constituency.

Therefore, it is important to teach our children that The Original American people who were gay and environmentally at peace with Mother Gaia, the World Goddess, lived in perfect harmony until their perfect culture was destroyed by the evil rapist heterosexual white Christian colonialists who were financed by the evil Jews.

I think I saw that placard at Occupy Wall Street. Maybe it was FredK who was holding the sign, I don't know for sure.

While pmbuko is fairly confident that future generations will look back upon our time with shame at those unevolved among us who believe that marriage should be reserved for men and women, I am fairly certain that the best among the future generations will look back and realize that a sexually immature sector of society who elevated that which feels good above all else, attempted to destroy the central institution of society, the family, and marriage between men and women, so they could justify their sexual libertinage, their desire to shtupp anything that moves, whatever the age, whatever the gender and ultimately, whatever the species, because after all, those people were ultimately unable to draw moral distinctions.

The Core distinctions? right or wrong. good or evil. productive or destructive. But hey, some think making such distinctions, well, that's hate speech.

Peace on!

Enjoy the Music. Trust your ears. Laugh at Folks Who Claim to Know it All.