What does it look like?

I'm having boot issues and OS Hang issues with my new SSD install. The OS is Vista.

The problems started with the OS hanging when it went into suspend mode. On reboot, I would get a 'Boot manager not found' error. A second reboot resolved the issue.

Today, for the first time I got a Disk failure error.

For any HDD I've ever seen fail, there have always been error events in the system log leading up to the failure, either read time out errors, or disk controller errors. There is nothing like this in my system log. That makes me suspect this is an OS issue.

Related, It looks like my SATA ports are hard configured as master or slave. I thought this config had gone the way of the dino. The reason I mention it is that I had my SSD plugged in to a slave port (port 2) when I installed the OS. Once I noticed this, I swapped connectors so the SSD was connected to a master and the issue disappeared for a week. Could this be the reason I am having these issues now?



Blujays1: Spending Fred's money one bottle at a time, no two... Oh crap!