LOL. Yea, I am sure that the $3 ones will work just fine, and I will be sitting there with all of the other Hobbit crazies (not that *I* am crazy) wearing the same $3 glasses, so "style" won't matter.

I was actually surprised that even with the large format screen, Atmos sound, and 3D elements that the price was only $16.50 - $1.50 of that being online ordering "convenience fees."

Not bad for normally $15. Oh and the seat is reserved too, meaning no waiting in long lines to get the best seat. Sure, mine is off to the side a little, but that is OK. It isn't near the extreme edge right or left, and is about half way up the "top" section of seating, which in IMAX theaters is about right. Ideally I would have liked to be about 5-10 seats more towards the middle.

Farewell - June 4, 2020