Originally Posted By: medic8r
Gastroenterologist: OK, Mr. Johnson, just relax and we'll begin. Sorry that you came in on the week that our nurse bikini team is on vacation ... anyway, looking good so far, you did a good job with the prep ... wasn't that special Kool-Aid just the best drink ever? ... hey, I see something ... what's this ... it's a little sign ... what the? Nurse, get over here ... tell me what you see?!

Nurse: "Bob was here"

Baloney! Mark, or anyone for that matter, when YOU go to have yours, tell them you want Versed with a Dilaudid chaser or it's no go. (Well, don't use the word "chaser," OK?) You will be awake, but won't really "know" it. You will feel nothing, yet you will be talking. Nurses have told me about some of the wild things people say, confess to, ask for, profess, etc.

Apparently that O.R. table is where I have set a record for f-bombs per sentence, well, at least a personal best. I thought I was out cold. They should sell this stuff at Safeway!

Always call the place you live a house. When you're old, everyone else will call it a home.