Yeah Mo, but sometimes alternatives to surgery will be suggested. For example, a young woman went to her regular physician, Dr. Morris, for an exam and confided that she was considering breast augmentation surgery. She questioned whether he could recommend someone and he replied that he could, but she should first try something that some of his patients had used successfully. Every morning, and he cautioned her not to skip even one, she was to massage her breasts while saying "Scoobie, doobie, doobies, give me bigger boobies".

Well, she did this for a few weeks and was thrilled to see some improvement, but one morning she got up late and had to rush out before she did her routine to get to work on time. Knowing that she couldn't skip it, on the bus she did her massaging and chanted as quietly as possible, but a man standing next to her overheard and asked: "You go to Dr. Morris, don't you?". "Yes", she replied, "how did you know?" He smiled "hickory, dickory, dock".


Enjoy the music, not the equipment.