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there is no scientific measurement to show "warmth", "forwardness", "openness" or "wide soundstage" of equipment.

But there could be if we simply came to a universal consensus as to what each term really means.

If "warmth" means a slightly depressed upper treble, then that is certainly measureable.

If "forwardness" means a flat or slightly accentuated area in the frequency response, then that is certainly measureable.

If "soundstage width" means the lateral distance to the left and right of the phyisical location of the speakers from which sounds appear to emanate, then that can certainly be measured as well, using only human ears, no less.

All you have to do is define your variables. These things can all be measured. Using human ears as a tool of measurement is not un-scientific. You just need access to many human ears so you can plot enough data points to be able to draw meaningful conclusions from the trends.

Last edited by pmbuko; 04/05/05 07:17 PM.