I appreciate the input from everyone on this.

1. As discussed, there's little point in getting into the mistakes HSU might have made. Suppliers and manufacturers make mistakes. Companies that sell their product do too. Sometimes they even make mistakes trying to right their previous mistakes . Unless they refuse to do the right thing when it gets determined I'm not too concerned.

2. As far as the piano black finish goes, it's not a huge priority for me. However if I'm going to get a sub I would prefer it be composed of the "newest" technologies my chosen company utilizes. From what I understand that will be the case in the MKII and STF series.

3. If anything the fact that they'll be offering the MKII series without the piano finish is a selling point for me. I don't really need a glossy sub because it's not likely to be a center piece of the room. However the light-up badge has appeal!

4. If I've learned anything from my time here, I've learned that positioning and space is a vital concern. The speakers need to be position correctly, and given enough room between to have the desired effect. When I figure out the room size it'll definately be a consideration.

5. I appreciate the additional input on the difference between the 60's and the 22's, everyone generally raves about both so recognizing that there IS a difference is useful advice.

6. If I had my choice based on what I'd read I would probably choose either the 22's or the 60's and pair them with the VTF-2 MKII (unfinished).

I just wouldn't want to miss an excellent deal on a VTF-3 MKII if it will be an improvement over the -2 without detracting from the rest of my system or overwhelming its environment.

As usual this board is a perfect match of knowledge and useful advice. Any other input is appreciated.



My M60's make me listen
My M80's make my ears hear
Either way - I'm not deaf anymore