I had to take something for a coworker to work today, and it was in a plastic grocery bag. I thought, You know, this would be a lot cooler if I was holding Medusa's head by the snake hair. After some brief searching online, I don't see anything like what I want. All I see are bags that have the image of Medusa on the side, at best. It seems like a truly wasted opportunity not to have her head BE the bag, with snake hair handles. I'm hoping someone may have ideas on how I can get one of these made, potentially with suggestions on materials, if there's anyone you personally know who could pull it off, or perhaps someone could point me in the direction of an online resource that may be able to help me? It might be nice if the person making it could also save the design in case I want another one made in the future, so if they have the capacity for more than one-offs, that would be a major plus.

Thanks for any ideas you may have!