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That's right, the theme for "Hockey Night in Canada."

"Hockey Night in Canada" has consistently been one of and often 'the' highest rated Canadian TV show and it is also the worlds oldest sports broadcast still on the air.

With a new theme song featuring Neal Peart on the drums, I'll be standing at attention every time I hear it.

Video of him playing the theme can be found here.
Murph, excuse my ignorance: Is "Hockey Night in Canada" something akin to what "Monday Night Football" has been in the US? A weekly, evening, featured game?

Peart rocks!
yup, very much the same. The theme has been playing since 1968 on CBC (Canada's biggest public broadcaster) and is often referred to as "Canada's Second National Anthem." It's pretty much ingrained in your head by the time you can walk.

The last year or so it has been the focus of what was almost like a scandal in the media because the rights to use the song ran out for CBC at the end of the 2008 playoff season. They failed to negotiate a price to renew and it got sold to TSN and maybe CTV. CBC had a nation wide contest for a new theme but continues to try and get it back.

If you are ever speaking in front of a big crowd and want to see if there are any Canadian's in the room, just start singing the opening bars and it's almost a given that the all the Canadian's will join in with you. heh heh. I've seen it happen.

OMG! I just noticed the source to my link. For the record, I couldn't find a link to anything but a preview video with youtube searches (despite this being a youtube video) and the like. I am NOT a member of the "David Lee Roth Army" web board. LOL!!!
29,612 posts in 6 years on a David Lee Roth message board?

And then we have this guy with almost 34,000 posts ... I can now look at my old self in the mirror and say "Life ain't so bad!" \:\)
They should run Neil's HNIC for a year, then bring Geddy in next year to do a bass version!
 Originally Posted By: MarkSJohnson
Murph, excuse my ignorance

Hey, no fair using your ignorance as an opportunity to guess well.
 Originally Posted By: RickF
29,612 posts in 6 years on a David Lee Roth message board?

And then we have this guy with almost 34,000 posts ... I can now look at my old self in the mirror and say "Life ain't so bad!" \:\)

That's insane! \:D Holy smokes!!
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