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Any suggestions on where to stay in a hotel in a town nearby?
Why do you want to drive that far to be alone with millions of trees (and not much else)? Does Jay know that there will be not a soul around to notice all of her Coach accessories?

Besides, it's dangerously close to Canada.
Chris, Joyce and I have been several times, but we just stayed at a Holiday Inn in Ellsworth because they allowed dogs. We DID stay once in a cabin for one night, but moved to the Holiday Inn for the remainder after finding that there were snakes in the ceiling. Literally.

How helpful is all that?
Originally Posted By: MarkSJohnson
Chris, Joyce and I have been several times, but we just stayed at a Holiday Inn in Ellsworth because they allowed dogs. We DID stay once in a cabin for one night, but moved to the Holiday Inn for the remainder after finding that there were snakes in the ceiling. Literally.

How helpful is all that?

Did you call the rental office and complain, "I have had it with these monkey fighting snakes in this monday to friday ceiling!"

Or something like that?
I don't know, but I'll bet CV has the Samuel l. Jackson bobblehead snake-fighter to prove it!
Holiday Inn is perfect.

Jay is making me go.....although it does look beautiful there.
I booked a Best Western in Bar Harbor. Thanks guys.
I highly recommend hiking to the top of Mount Katahdin if you want to see beautiful and have the time. You are a days drive to the nearest hotel though if things haven't changed. So you will need a tent. At least you are in control of snake entry into your tent though.

When you said you had a snake in your Hotel Room, I was tempted to throw in a "That's what she said." joke but I didn't want to get dropped from Joyce's Christmas card list.
If Vuillton or Coach do not make tents, I doubt you will ever find Chris' wife in one.
Just keep sneaking her Nyquil and tell her it's spa. That also helps explain any mud on your clothes.
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