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Posted By: SirClyde Top 10 must have DVD's - 02/01/06 06:55 PM
I know that there has been post about dvd's but I would like to hear again about which dvd's you all think are have the best soundtracks/LFE's.

Where are the best places oline to order them from?
Posted By: jakeman Re: Top 10 must have DVD's - 02/01/06 08:13 PM
That's a broad question but I will list which 10 DVD's I use regularly to test LFE/surround effects.

1. WOTW -- tripod rising
2. Master and Commander-- battle with the French frigate
3. I Robot-- You are experiencing an accident
4. The Incredibles -- kid against the saucers
5. Pearl Harbour-- Zeros approching
6. House of Flying Daggers-- drum and beans scene/bamboo forest
7. Open Range-- shootout with shotguns
8. SW: Attack of the Clones-- pod race
9 Flight of the Phoenix-- Crash in the desert
10. Jurassic Park-- Tyranasaurus Rex

Posted By: MiniRock Re: Top 10 must have DVD's - 02/01/06 10:12 PM
In reply to:

SW: Attack of the Clones-- pod race

I can't believe I just read that!

I don't have a "top 10" but when I demo, I typically use one of the SW DVD's or a new release. The last demo I did, I used War of the Worlds and Serenity. Both are good flicks with excellent mixes.
Posted By: nickbuol Re: Top 10 must have DVD's - 02/02/06 04:03 AM
Yeah, but EVERYONE uses the Pod Race as a demo, or has in the past anyway. I honestly get tired of seeing (or hearing) it. And I LIKE Star Wars. I like it so much that I refuse to buy the DVDs! Let me explain... I am waiting for all 6 episodes to come in one boxed high-def (blu-ray or hd-dvd) set in 3 years (or whatever)... I figure it will cost me an arm and a leg, but I only want to get it when the picture quality doesn't have to be compressed as much as a standard DVD.

I figure that I've waited this long, I might as well wait a couple more years to get a GREAT copy...

But now I've hijacked this thread... Sorry.
Posted By: jakeman Re: Top 10 must have DVD's - 02/02/06 04:07 AM
Hmmm...That should have been Phantom Menace not Attack of the Clones. Great sound effects from those pods as they race around the room with deep rumbling bass. I recently rewatched the entire 6 movies with my young daughter and they are starting to blend together probably just like George Lucas wanted.
Posted By: player8 Re: Top 10 must have DVD's - 02/02/06 04:58 AM
LOL! I'm waiting for EXACTLY the same thing. I'm figuring within two years on Blu-Ray.
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