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Posted By: kryolla Calibrating dual subs - 01/10/07 11:22 PM
I have an SVS PB10 and plan on getting another one. They will be about 3ft apart from each other. The current sub I have is calibrated and the gain on the sub is set to 12 o'clock. When I get the new sub can I just set the gain to 12 and be good to go? Thanks Drew
Posted By: pmbuko Re: Calibrating dual subs - 01/11/07 04:29 AM
It won't be that simple. How you calibrate the subs depends on their interaction with each other and with the room individually. If you have an SPL meter, that would be the best way to calibrate them. Start by having them both at the same level -- say 9 o'clock. Then calibrate them up or down from there until you get the level you want at the listening position. Keep in mind that adding a second in a second location will definitely affect how loud (and soft) the overall bass levels are at different spots in the room. Bass waves are pretty long, so after they bounce off a wall or two, you may find that you have some significant nulls at your listening position.
Posted By: JohnK Re: Calibrating dual subs - 01/11/07 04:32 AM
Drew, keep in mind that when the two subs are located closely like that, an increase of up to 6dB in volume results. So, to keep the calibration correct, if other factors stay the same the level settings on both subs would be lower.
Posted By: agarwalro Re: Calibrating dual subs - 01/11/07 02:14 PM
If you can spring it, look into the Velodyne SMS-1. It is a sub calibration device that comes complete with calibrated microphone and all. It allows calibraiton of multiple subs.

Here's a review, Velodyne SMS-1
Posted By: kryolla Re: Calibrating dual subs - 01/12/07 12:03 AM
Thanks everyone. I will calibrate both my subs to -6db and later will purchase the SMS1 for eq with some room treatments if the wife accepts them.

Posted By: dllewel Re: Calibrating dual subs - 01/12/07 02:14 AM
Just make sure when you check your sub level (both on) that you are level with the other channels. It may not be as much of a gain as 6dB, they would need to be right next or on top of each other for that. Depending on positioning, it should be anywhere between 3 and 6 dB.
Posted By: tomtuttle Re: Calibrating dual subs - 01/12/07 02:17 AM
C'mon, guys. There HAS to be a more methodical, cheaper approach to this problem than buying an SMS-1. You know, I'm all for "fiddle with it until it breaks, er, sounds good" as an approach, but I just have to believe that there is an effective procedure short of buying another $600 component.
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