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Posted By: fredk DOH! - 07/04/08 03:40 AM
One final push of a button and I have spdif in to my receiver.

From the receiver manual:
IN-AUTO: the input digital signal (Dolby Digital or PCM(2 channel stereo), etc.)

Well, its not DD because the receiver shows digital input on the front display when thats what comes in. Its not PCM. So, my onboard sound is putting out etc. format. Bitstream maybe???

I swear I played with this setting before without it working, but I guess I was just being a techno-spaz.

I also finally ran test tones to ballance the speakers. +4(~3db) on the right, -1 on the center. The couch in front of the right speaker sure blocks a bunch of sound!

The biggest difference is the noise floor. I can no longer hear any 'hiss' unless I put my ear 2" from a speaker. I don't notice it much on any of the rock, but on listening to Folies again, it sounds incredible. It probably also helped that the speakers are properly ballanced. The soundstage is no longer shifted left, and the center no longer stands out (it used to occasionally).

Now to diddle with the positioning of the mains and surrounds to see what happens.
Posted By: fredk Re: DOH! - 07/04/08 03:41 AM
Oh yeah, anybody need some cables with RCA connectors?
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