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Posted By: powerwindow Speaker Separation Distance - 01/19/09 07:25 PM
Hey all,
Finally got my HT setup (M22's, VP 100, QS8's; pics to come later) Now I'm just looking for fine tuning, or maybe fussing. I have the M22's on cabs flanking my display cab, ~7ft apart from one another. The viewing/listening position is ~10-11ft away. The article on speaker placement by Dolby suggests, based on my listening position, the mains should be ~8-11ft apart. I'm waiting for a longer power cord to arrive, because the speakers sit on audio cabs I made and the powerconditioner and receiver are too far apart to separate the cabs currently.
After all that detailed explaination, does anyone have any input on speaker setup based on my current situation and whether getting a few more feet of separation is worth the hastle? I know that in the end it is my preference, but I'd value any input given. Unfortunately, I'm a tinkerer and perfectionist, so I just have to look for refinements.
Posted By: SirQuack Re: Speaker Separation Distance - 01/19/09 07:32 PM
If they sound good then enjoy. \:\) You want to at least be the same distance back, as they are apart (7ft) like an equilatoral triangle. However, this is not set in stone. I have found sitting further away works better for my situation. My m80's are about 11ft apart, and my primary seat is 13ft back. Also, keep in mind you can experiment by toeing (angling) them in slightly.

Your goal is to have the imaging of the singers voice appear to be dead center for the soundstage.
Posted By: Zimm Re: Speaker Separation Distance - 01/19/09 08:14 PM
I would certainly do some experiments before you go nuts making permanent changes. There are so many factors that influence sound and imaging (reflections, etc) that you should not just trust the math from Dolby. The upside is that if you are making the changes, you can find the right spot and then finalize the cabs. Most of us or stuck with what we have to a larger extent.
To help locate the image, I recommend a dark room, eyes closed, bottle of wine at the ready, and an A/B Repeat function. Listen to the same 20 - 30 second loop over and over until you get the best image, tightest bass notes, etc. Then nail that thing up and enjoy.
Posted By: powerwindow Re: Speaker Separation Distance - 01/20/09 04:47 AM
Hmmm, Wine recommendations... red or white? I'm liking the idea of this little experiment already.
Posted By: Zimm Re: Speaker Separation Distance - 01/20/09 07:27 PM
Oh yes, it is a great "ordeal" to live through. Just look frustrated to your significant other, keep the sound loud enough to run them out of the room, and quietly enjoy the process...and the wine.
Posted By: StuntGibbon Re: Speaker Separation Distance - 01/22/09 05:12 PM
Because of a strange room size I sit a bit closer than the speakers are separated and it sounds fine. I used to toe 'em in, but I went back to straight positioning and the sound seems more consistent in other seating areas (and from the kitchen.)
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