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Posted By: JBG klipsh's Ksw-15 compared to SVS subs - 08/14/03 04:16 PM
Has anyone done comparisions between these subs (ksw-15 klipsh and svs or hsu)

if so, your comments would be appreaciated
Posted By: sushi Re: klipsh's Ksw-15 compared to SVS subs - 08/14/03 09:22 PM
I've listened to the KSW-15 and own the Hsu VTF-3. I can comfortably tell you that the Hsu or SVS box subs are significantly better (cleaner and goes deeper/louder) than the Klipsch.
Posted By: pinipig523 Re: klipsh's Ksw-15 compared to SVS subs - 08/14/03 10:08 PM
the hsu and svs subwoofers have a much flatter response (albeit not counting room coloration and positional effects) than the ksw-15. the ksw-5 is a capable sub - but quite boomy due to an overemphasized 50-80hz peak.

the result? the ksw-15 is not at all musical (unless used with an equalizer) but is quite adept at handling HT requirements.

the svs are just oozing with power and quick enough to be musical. the vtf3 on the otherhand - may very well be the most musical sub around - probably even more so than the klipsch RSW-15.
Posted By: Jayhawk Re: klipsh's Ksw-15 compared to SVS subs - 08/15/03 06:41 PM
Take a look at the following article (link): I haven't heard the KSW-15 but I have heard the Klipsch's reference line, specifically the RSW-15, and a SVS 20-39 pci. I thought the SVS was cleaner and lower and it was about 1/3 the price of the Klipsch. The Klipsh (RSW) was nice for music but didn't have the rumble of the SVS for HT. The SVS was nearly as musical as the Klipsch as well. I have to believe that the KSW-15 is a couple of steps below the RSW-15 (see above-mentioned article). I personally have ordered a SVS PB1, but haven't received it yet because I ordered one of the custom/alternate colors. I'll post once the bad boy is delivered.
Posted By: sushi Re: klipsh's Ksw-15 compared to SVS subs - 08/15/03 11:53 PM

Aha! What color did you order? Didn't know that SVS did custom colors. When did they start doing that?
Posted By: pmbuko Re: klipsh's Ksw-15 compared to SVS subs - 08/16/03 12:00 AM
just recently, although I still think black is the best. All the other colors scream "LOOK AT ME!!!" which is not the effect I'm going for. I think they do a great job of screaming "FEEL THIS!!!"
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