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Posted By: twodan19 choke, gag, and nearly blow chunks - 09/11/03 06:44 PM
i'm sitting here in my office trying to complete a purchase order with the radio playing. what comes on but an ad for blose touting it's adapt iq feature for it's lifestyle system. pretty slick and convincing. bet they sell a bunch, but not to anyone on this board. oh well, they are located here in the great commonwealth of massachusetts!
Posted By: sushi Re: choke, gag, and nearly blow chunks - 09/11/03 07:01 PM
I don't care about BO$E. But what this really means is that the automatic speaker/room EQ (e.g. MCACC, YPAO, AdaptIQ...) is going to be commonplace as an integral part of the home AV systems sooner or later.
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