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Posted By: JBG can anyone tell me what ever happened to sushi? - 03/15/04 05:08 PM
can anyone tell me what ever happened to sushi?

just woundered why since nov.2003 no more posts from him & without any warning, i really enjoyed reading his views

what a real great loss to this forum,
I would be interested to know what happened to him as well
If you ask me, I think he quit cold turkey because he discovered he was spending too much time here -- at the expense of other things in his life. While sushi was an active member, he was the most prolific poster. I can sympathize with his decision because I am now the most prolific poster. This board is completely addictive.

Sushi is still alive and well, and is very busy with his research.

I work for HHMI, the company that funds much of sushi's research. I'm scheduled to work in Dallas on April 19 - 21. Part of what I'll be doing there is visiting labs to upgrade VPN client software, so I'm bound to visit sushi's lab before I leave. I'll be sure to say hi if he's there.
I think he got addicted to his Honda S2000.

Maybe he is on boards related to the car now.

I also miss sushi's posts. He was on a quest for new speakers too.
Hope he didn't get one of the new low revving S2000s. Redline only 8000 rpm. Why bother?

9000 rpm is good.
As far as I know, he's got a 2003.
I used to own a 1995 Integra GSR....

Keeping that thing high on the RPMs was A LOT of fun! That's why I am guessing sushi got addicted to that and forgot about audio.

Top down at 9000rpm......YEAH!
Had the '96 GSR myself Curtis. It was a fun car. My current '02 WRX is fun too though

Biggest thing I miss about the GSR is having the hatchback.
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