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Posted By: mobomofo Is stereo for Home Theater "okay"? - 06/25/04 03:00 PM
Does anyone here just use stereo for their home theater?

I've been thinking about surround sound... but living in an appartment, I don't want to bug the neighbors with a subwoofer... and the surrounds would be difficult to place on the walls :/

Thoughts? Ideas? Suggestions? Thanks
Posted By: Daphoid Re: Is stereo for Home Theater "okay"? - 06/25/04 04:37 PM
Surround Sound and Stereo Sound are too completely different beasts when it comes to sound. Surround is better, but stereo is better then your TV speakers. Every time I hook up stereo speakers to a TV it's like adding new life to the viewing experience, and surround is the step up from that.

So if all you want to do is give yourself a litlte jolt, then hook up some speakers, and rock away

- D
Posted By: Misfit_Toy Re: Is stereo for Home Theater "okay"? - 06/25/04 04:42 PM
Well...this is an interesting question. You can get by and probably enjoy movies in stereo...especially if they'll be played through nice speakers like Axiom towers. It's really a matter of how loud you can turn it up before your neighbors hear. I don't thing you'd have any problems running surrounds and have to worry about neighbors, unless your surrounds are on a wall connecting to their wall...but then still it's a matter of how loud you play it and how well insulated the walls are.
The subwoofer is a different story all together. Generally most of your speakers can get to a decent volume and not disturb anyone, but a sub has signals that can pass through walls pretty easy if they're loud and low enough...especially if there's neighbors below you. This would be one you'd have to keep at a low volume, or do what I'd do...try a different level each night and see if you get any feedback from your neighbors
If you're friendly with them all the better. Let them know you got a kicking new system and you want to test it out and see how loud you can play it without making any disturbance. They'll thank you and respect you for this approach. Heck...invite em over for a show and you won't have any worries about the volume then.
So, in my opinion both are okay, but if you can swing it go for the 5.1. It's just a more immersive experience. And if you're like me, an avid gamer, most games (especially XBOX) are being designed to be in surround sound so you know where stuff is coming from. Something you just can't pull of in stereo. My feeling is you'll be fine with 5.1, just keep the volume respectable. And someday when you have your own place (house/condo/whatever) you'll be thankful you already have your setup complete.

This is all of course my opinion. But I'm partial to my advice

Good luck!
Posted By: pmbuko Re: Is stereo for Home Theater "okay"? - 06/25/04 07:09 PM
There's no question about it -- surround sound is best for movies. Also undisputed is that separate stereo speakers are MUCH better than built-in TV speakers.

I wouldn't worry too much about your neighbors. If they are sensitive, you can adjust the volume of your speakers to a suitable level and still enjoy crystal clear sound that is so much better than just listening to TV speakers.

Plus, you probably won't live in that apartment forever -- unless you're in a very crowded urban area with little chance of escape.
Posted By: md55 Re: Is stereo for Home Theater "okay"? - 06/25/04 08:03 PM
I tried hifi stereo for initially when switching over. Much improved sound, but stereo listening also tended to make place dialog outside the picture field due to the speakers being farther away from the screen. I tried running the center sound though the tv but the different timber of the tv sound and my axioms made this a decided unimprovment. So I added a center channel speaker. Later on I added two and then three channels of surround. Still no subwoofer. So I would say plan on a center speaker for HT with the stereo speakers. Sound will be much improved and with sensitive volume control your neighbors can still be happy. Add surrounds and sub when circumstances allow.
Posted By: freesey Re: Is stereo for Home Theater "okay"? - 06/26/04 08:30 AM
Stereo speakers are much nicer than the crap built into tvs. I like my surroud sound(the digital surround) for Dvds, but for VHS and TV, I prefer pure stereo. No DPL for me. Well; DPLII for videogames, Mario 3 kicks ass
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