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when you watch dvd? I used to set to -25 db. Some DVD i can barely hear the dialog loud and clear. I thought it was jut my center vp-100.
Then last night, i watched another action dvd and i cranked up volume to -15 (the max on my 3805 is +10). Wow, it sounds awesome. I can hear the clear dialog, surround sound coming from M3. So i guess i will need more juice for my system such as a 2-channel power amp and reserve the power from Denon for other channels

main: M60
center: vp-100
surround: M3

i am not familiar with the volume settings on the denons, but the onkyos volume control goes from 0-100.. it doesnt have db levels.. anyway, for movies, i usually listen with the volume at between 67-73, depending on the type of movie, and how good the sound mix is. casual music listening to where you can still carry a conversation, around 50-60.. rockin out and cleaning house, around 70-80.. painful enough to make ears bleed, right at 93.. i have yet to crank it louder than that, it becomes more than i can comfortably with stand.

On the scale from -100 to +12 on Pioneer 45TX
depending on recording -20 to -10
Tryied to see once how lowd it could be went up to 0 (reference level as I understand), still had 12 clicks to go, but gave up withing 20 seconds due to ringing in my head
( or was it just my WAF in the doorway? )

Hey John. Go to page 56 in your manual, and you'll find the preference menu (menu #6). Look down at "d.,Volume Display," and you'll find you can choose between an absolute scale (0 to 100, which is the scale you're using now), or a relative scale which shows the volume in decibels; 0dB being reference level (82 on the absolute scale).

The good thing about using the relative scale is that, when talking to others, you can give them an idea of your volume levels they can relate to. If you say "I listen at around 60 or 70, on the absolute scale" others have no idea how loud or soft that is. But, If you say "I listen at -25 to -15dB," they have an idea of the volume to which you're referring.

If you're like me, you'll probably just want to leave it on the absolute scale because that's what you're used to. I just wanted you to know that you had the option. Us "ONK" owners gotta stick together.


If your Onkyo is like mine, then you can set the 0 volume level anywhere. What you are supposed to do (and I haven't done it yet, either) is to find reference level by calibrating, then reset your volume scale so that reference level is 0. Then your normal listening levels would probably be in the -10 to -20 range.

thanks jack and mark.. i will go check that out this weekend. i didnt even realize i had that sort of option.. see there, learn something new everyday.. i swear, the more i learn, the more i realize what kind of a great deal i got on that receiver.


AF, your 3805 probably has more "juice" than you'll ever need. The setting that has to be used on the volume control has nothing to do with how powerful an amp is, and many times a much less powerful amp may have its volume control calibrated so that it gives a loud volume at a relatively low setting. There's no problem with what you describe; apparently the output level of your DVD player may be a little lower than some and needs more gain from the 3805's volume control to put out a given number of watts. Relax.
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