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Posted By: robg SVS sub connection to Denon/Axioms - 07/02/04 06:34 PM
I'm bummed because my walls are prewired with two pair speaker wire for my subwoofer and now I can't use the line-level input to my SVS 20-39.

The Denon 3805 manual doesn't even mention speaker-level input, so I need help.

Should I route from the Denon to the sub using one pair in the wall and then route back the rest of the signal using the other pair?

Should I use the r/l front outputs or is there a better choice from the back of the 3805?

Most importantly, what will this do to performance? I can't remember what two pair wire is in the wall -- if it's decent 16/4 vs. 14/4 will that make a difference?

The rest of my set is Axiom 60 fronts, vp150 center, and QS8 surrounds.

Thanks so much,
Posted By: Ajax Re: SVS sub connection to Denon/Axioms - 07/02/04 07:00 PM
The SVS doesn't have a "speaker level input" because it has it's own amplifier built in. You have to run a line level cable (RCA to RCA) from the "pre out sub" jack on your receiver to the "input" jack on the SVS.
Posted By: PaulHa Re: SVS sub connection to Denon/Axioms - 07/02/04 07:55 PM
I have the same set up. Don't forget to set the gain to about 1/3 before calibrating. I used the Denon mic, but then increased the volume of the sub on the receiver (didn't seem to provide enough using the mic). I have not used the SPL yet. Also, many people suggest moving the sub around. There are other thread's that discuss this more. Good luck.
Posted By: WhatFurrer Re: SVS sub connection to Denon/Axioms - 07/02/04 11:25 PM

Do you have a drawing or a picture of the room? If the speaker wire run for the sub runs in the walls from behind your reciever to the location for the sub, how hard would it be to pull one of the pairs back through with an RCA terminated coax back through the walls for line level sub out?

Also, the location for the that set in stone? I know you have wire run but that location may not be the best location for the room. Do you have a long piece of video coax with the screw style F connectors on the end? You can get F to RCA adapters at Radio Shack and then you would be better served to perform the "sub crawl". Run the coax to the preferred sitting location (sweet spot) and set the sub up temporarily there. Play a segment of a DVD or music that has good bass in it (the menu from the movie "Lost in Space" has a good bass loop in it) and crawl around the perimeter of the room. Listen for the greatest amount of bass as you proceed around the room. Where you hear the greatest amount of bass is the best location to put the sub. Sometimes where you find the best location is not feasible due to room constraints. In that case, use a location close to the best spot or use the second best location. It may also be the location already wired.

My SVS 20-39 PC+ has a set of speaker level inputs but I don't want to use them as then I would have to use the crossover on the sub and would be required to run only the fronts run thru them instead of allowing LFE signal for all speakers be routed to the sub via the sub out on the back of the reciever.

There may be another solution to the wire issue but supply us with some additional information and we will see if we can help more.


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