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Posted By: dakkon How many of you are in the military.. - 07/03/04 10:28 PM
Kind of a weird question yes… but on some of the other boards I go to (car boards) there is a large amount of military people that frequent the one I do… so I was wondering, how many of the people in this community are military people…

Me personally I'm in the navy… stationed in Charleston SC… job… nuclear engineer…. Cant say to much more…

anyhow, I though this would be a good thread, it almost the 4th and all…..

Posted By: pacep0302 Re: How many of you are in the military.. - 07/03/04 10:38 PM
I'm a USMC infantry officer trying to figure out how to best spend a windfall from the recent sale of a house... lot of good info on these boards...
Posted By: INANE Re: How many of you are in the military.. - 07/04/04 05:16 AM
I have friends in the military

Serioulsy thou, /salute to u guys!

Not that this counts, but I was in the Coast Guard after high school for 6 years. Although, some don't consider the Coast Guard an "official branch" of the military.

Those people might find it interesting that the CG actually had the highest percentage of casualties in WWII.

"It's just an oppinion, I don't want to be beaten up for it"

Posted By: bigjohn Re: How many of you are in the military.. - 07/07/04 02:18 AM
i served 3 1/2 years in the army back in the early 90's as a medical laboratory tech.. funny story..

i joined the srvc just to get money for college.. so i picked a job that i 'thought' would be cush and cozy.. just like in the civilian world, but with a small run every morning.. HA, the joke was on me.. i got assigned to the 28th combat support hospital in ft bragg NC.. you guessed it, a m.a.s.h unit.. so basically, if the 18th airborne corps went to the field, we went with them.. i ended up counting it up, and of my 42 months of active duty, i spent 19 in the field.. almost half.. so much for cush and cozy..

but it was a great experience, and i honestly think that it helped and played a big part in the kind of person i am today. i am glad i did it, and consider it an honor to have had the opportunity to serve my country.. even if it was in the mud for 19 months..

so, a pecker-checker ended up in the bush...

never saw too much action in the Coast Gurard. Your basic Search and Rescue for boaters who drank too much or lost electronics and couldn't find their way back. Amazing how dependant boaters get with that GPS.

Of course, on slow days, we swam and got the poles out for a little fishing... hey your tax paying dollars at work! Anyway, it payed for my college so overall it was a great experience.

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