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Posted By: samandnoah Mounting M22ti's sideways? - 10/05/04 03:58 PM
Now it looks like mounting the speakers vertically won't work since they would hang over the tops of the french doors.

So I'm considering mounting them sideways. I saw the note Alan posted about using a 22 on its side as a center. These would be mounted about 7 feet up, approx 12 ft apart, tilted slightly downward (sideward?) and toed in slightly (the main listening area will be about 16 ft from the midpoint of the two speakers. The center of the tweeters should be approx 12" from the ceiling.

Questions about this possible mounting:
1) Should I keep the tweeters to the outside?

2) If I use FMBs to mount them, should I still keep the FMBs vertical, and mount them "across" the speaker rather than how they would normally be oriented with respect to the speaker?

3) What other issues should I be considering? I know this is still sub-optimal placement, but with the angling it should keep the back port at least 3" from the wall.

Thanks for the assistance.

Posted By: alan Re: Mounting M22ti's sideways? - 10/05/04 09:20 PM

Keep the tweeters towards the inside, not the outside, for more coherent imaging. I think I'd keep the FMBs vertical to keep the stress on the bracket even (this is just speculation on my part; I'm fiddling around with the FMB as I write this). It may not matter. Perhaps someone who might have mounted the bracket horizontally will respond.

The M22ti's do sound somewhat different in a horizontal configuration but they still retain their tonal balance, neutrality and transparency. Before you drill holes in the wall, you might try them out in a vertical and horizontal orientation while you listen to them. I doubt you'll hear much difference, but every room contributes its own sonic "footprint" (combo of direct and reflected sound) and there may be differences in your room.

Overall, in my experience, the M22ti is especially adept at delivering excellent sound in even "difficult" rooms and despite far-from-optimal placement.

Posted By: samandnoah Re: Mounting M22ti's sideways? - 10/06/04 02:10 AM

Thanks for the detailed reply. I've got to admit that I was surprised by the suggestion to keep the tweeters inside. Well, while I've still got my speakers on stands, so I put them on their sides.

And you know what? I agree that tweeters inside (for the most part) sounded better than tweeters outside. I used some favorite CDs and (music based) DVDs. Can you provide any of the science behind that? Intuitively that was not the obvious answer to me.

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