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Posted By: bridgman Alternatives to HTIB - 12/04/04 06:08 AM
So... my brother-in-law just bought a big Panasonic TV (don't know the model yet) and is probably going to buy some 300 dollar 600 watt home theater in a box on the weekend.


I would like to offer him some alternatives and Christmas is coming, but not sure what the options are on the DVD player / receiver front.

One important cost-saving move in the HTIB systems seems to be a combined DVD player / integrated amp combo in a single box. Is this something that gets sold separately or do I have no hope of assembling a "cheap except for the speakers" system.

Maybe the best thing is let him go ahead with the HTIB then substitute some Axioms for the mains. Feel like I'm missing something, any ideas ?

Thanks in advance,
Posted By: Ken.C Re: Alternatives to HTIB - 12/04/04 06:31 AM
Well, Rotel has a fully integrated solution... it'll just cost a fairly large amount of money...

The other thing to consider would be the Hsu Ventriloquist system for the speakers.
Posted By: pmbuko Re: Alternatives to HTIB - 12/04/04 06:55 AM
I second the Hsu Ventriloquist system. It doesn't come with a receiver, though.

On the other hand, how often are you going to be watching TV/movies or listening to music at your brother-in-law's house? If he's not too thrilled with the idea of spending more than $300 on a home theater system, you might just let him slide...
Posted By: SirQuack Re: Alternatives to HTIB - 12/04/04 02:17 PM
A good friend of mine recently bought a Yammaha HTIB system, however, the Progressive DVD player was seperate from the receiver. I don't remember what model receiver came with the package, but I think it was rated at like 90 "full bandwidth rated watts per channel", and seemed to have the latest surrond decodings. It was a 6.1 system that had smaller yammy speakers and a powered sub. I was actually suprised how good those little speakers sounded. For larger rooms though I would think you would need something a bit larger. I believe he only payed like $700 US funds at American Electronics. I'm sure his receiver would drive some substituted mains with no problem.

Now for around $300, it might be a bit difficult to find a quality receiver. I know Sony makes a lot of cheaper all in one systems, but I have not been very impressed with the sound, especially when you turn up the volume....

happy shopping...

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