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Posted By: SirQuack OT Finding Nemo and DTS - 01/11/05 08:52 PM
I noticed the other day while wathing Finding Nemo with my kids, that at the end of the Credits, it showed the DTS logo along with the Dolby and others....However, I don't see that the DVD includes the DTS track. Most DVD's will have the normal setup menu allowing you to select DTS or Dolby, however, I don't find it on my Nemo disc. We were watching the fullframe disc on our 32" Toshiba, haven't tried the widescreen disc. Any thoughts...
Posted By: bigjohn Re: OT Finding Nemo and DTS - 01/11/05 09:01 PM
here is my thoughts..

i have noticed several credits mention DTS, but yet, they wont have the DTS format on the DVD itself. i think when they actually record the movie on film, they use the DTS technology, but then choose NOT to include that audio feature on the DVD. seems weird, but i think thats what is happening. it must be a cost factor, or some sort of franchise fee for the DTS, that some companies are not willing to pay for use on a DVD. i could be TOTALLY in the wrong here, i have no idea, but thats what i think the deal is. and i have had several movies on DVD that had DTS on the credits, but it wasnt avail in the audio features.

i bet craig would maybe know about this.. it is his business after all..

EDIT- i will even go a little more OT here.. i was watching the 2nd harry potter movie last night(scorcers stone), and it had some awesome surround effects in that movie. it is in the regular DD format, but it absolutely blew me away. if you havnt had a chance to see it yet, do yourself a favor, and go rent it tonight. some of the better use of surrounds i think i have heard.. IMO...

Posted By: BBIBH Re: OT Finding Nemo and DTS - 01/11/05 09:09 PM
Nitpick - the second HP movie was The Chamber of Secrets. The Sorcerer's Stone ( aka Philospher's Stone in Europe) was the first, and Prisoner of Azkaban is the third. The remainder have not been filmed.

End Nitpick

Posted By: bigjohn Re: OT Finding Nemo and DTS - 01/11/05 09:12 PM
correct you are sir.... my bad.. it was the 2nd one, chamber of secrets.. i am supposed to watch the 3rd one tonight.. they seem like they are getting more dark and evil...

Posted By: BBIBH Re: OT Finding Nemo and DTS - 01/11/05 09:15 PM
Yes, they somewhat mirror the books, as they get more - adult - for lack of a better term - as the series progresses.

There are several changes from 1&2 to 3 that make almost a different movie series. The continuity is maintained in the novels, but not in the movies.
Posted By: WhatFurrer Re: OT Finding Nemo and DTS - 01/11/05 09:23 PM
And let's not even mention the actual "physical" changes to the layout of the Hogwart's campus from 1 & 2 to 3...

Demementor's Do Not Fly!

Posted By: bray Re: OT Finding Nemo and DTS - 01/11/05 09:26 PM
I've noticed that some movies in general arent available through "regular" sources in DTS, but then you look on Amazon or some other sites and you can find them in "DTS special editions" for no extra money.
Wonder why.?
Posted By: BBIBH Re: OT Finding Nemo and DTS - 01/11/05 09:26 PM
Yes, while I like the new images, it is difficult to follow. Take Hagrad's hut for example.....suddenly the grounds around the castle have a SERIOUS slope to them!!!!
Posted By: WhatFurrer Re: OT Finding Nemo and DTS - 01/11/05 09:27 PM
Exactly what I mean!

And it seems the Whomping Willow has taken to Wandering...

Posted By: bray Re: OT Finding Nemo and DTS - 01/11/05 09:29 PM
Heres an example of what I'm talking about.
Posted By: SirQuack Re: OT Finding Nemo and DTS - 01/11/05 09:49 PM
Thanks Bigjohn, does anybody else have any thoughts on this question?

Posted By: spiffnme Re: OT Finding Nemo and DTS - 01/11/05 09:54 PM
Those credits are the original credits from the theatrical release. The 35mm prints went to some theatres with a DTS track.

Posted By: bigjohn Re: OT Finding Nemo and DTS - 01/11/05 09:56 PM
interesting find bray... i doubt, being that its australian, it will even play in DVD players in region 1. but, i wasnt even aware there was a finding nemo avail in DTS. i think the production companies do this just to screw with us..

1st run- special edition in DD, with extras
2nd run- directors cut special edition in DTS, with new footage and extras.
3rd run- super box set with all the left over crap we didnt put in the first two, but we felt the need to make you buy one more disc...etc.etc..

i tell you, its a complete conspiracy..

Posted By: Ajax Re: OT Finding Nemo and DTS - 01/11/05 10:01 PM
Unfortunately, the DTS version seems to be released only in countries other than the US. In fact, the one linked above is from an Australian web site, and states "This DVD is formatted for playback on PAL enabled systems (Australian Standard)." I don't think it will play on our DVD players (Region 1), but I could be mistaken.

Posted By: bray Re: OT Finding Nemo and DTS - 01/11/05 10:04 PM
That was just the first (many) web sites on the list from a google search.
I've found that alot of movies are released in DTS at the same time theyre released in DD, theyre just not available in stores but easy to find online.
Dont know why.
Posted By: Ajax Re: OT Finding Nemo and DTS - 01/11/05 10:07 PM
Yes, but I went into page 3 of a google search, and all the sites, to that point, were UK, or CA, or NZ, or AU.
Posted By: nickbuol Re: OT Finding Nemo and DTS - 01/11/05 11:46 PM
In response to:

Poster: spiffnme
Subject: Re: OT Finding Nemo and DTS

Those credits are the original credits from the theatrical release. The 35mm prints went to some theatres with a DTS track.

It is kind of like seeing SDDS in the credits on a DVD, or even in the movie theater for example. Not many theaters, or any home theater that I know of, can do SDDS.

Ocean's Twelve, Meet the Fockers, The Polar Express, and The Incredibles were all done with SDDS soundtracks, yet you most likely won't be able hear the SDDS soundtrack at most theaters, but the SDDS logo is at the end of the credits...
Posted By: Capn_Pickard Re: OT Finding Nemo and DTS - 01/12/05 08:04 PM
I thought that I woudl jump in here too. The DTS symbol is there because a DTS soundtrack was supplied for use in some theaters. Dolby Digital (DD) is actually, physically imprinted onto the film in between the sprocket holes. (it looks like snow from an old black and white tv - but really are color representations of 1s and 0s).

DTS, on the otehr hand, comes on a compact disc, with a time code affiliated with the movie so that it is automatically synched with the picture.

Many movie companies choose not to place the DTS mix on the DVD for space reasons - they believe that having additional bonus features will sell more DVDs than having additional audio options. Correct or not, that is the choice that many movie companies make. In addition, DD is the reference standard. That is, a DVD, if released, must contain a DD soundtrack, standard. It can include a DTS soundtrack only if it wants to and has the space. In addition, the DTS soudntrack takes up more space than the DD sonudtrack on the disc, so adding it begins to mess with the picture quality. (That's why superbit releases have no bonus features, for example).

I know that this is somewhat duplicative of what has been said above, but I hope it helps.
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