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receivers and prices.

Through authorized Denon dealers the 2805 retails for (usually) $900. However, you can find them all over the net for $500-700. But Denon states that they will only honor warranties from authorized dealers. Why is their such a huge discrepancy in price from authorized to non-authorized dealers? Is this a marketing thing? Just thought it was an amazing difference in price.
The answer is in your own post. Authorized dealers CAN charge more because they know most people are willing to pay for warranty protection. Or you can save $200 and hope you don't need warranty protection.
I paid around $700 from a local authorized retailer American Electronics when they were having one of their employee cost days...Another AV store in my town had it for around $730. I would never pay list price
Go to the DENON site. Their will be a list of authorized e-tailers that honor the Denon warranty. I bought mine from for 670.00 including shipping.
I believe Denon's online site list both online stores that sell at the List price, AND, refurbished dealers that sell for much less. That is really not a bad thing, especially if you can save some green and their authorized by Denon.
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