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Posted By: bigjohn Meeting with Whatfurrer and used SVS - 05/16/05 01:53 PM
I had the pleasure of getting to meet another member of the board this weekend. my wife and i drove down to Austin this weekend, and i helped whatfurrer(steve) move into his new home. well, i helped a little, but they had already moved most of the furnishings. steve and i mostly took care of the HT stuff, a grill pit, and a few extra boxes of what-nots. steve and his wife were super nice people, and we had a great time talking and working at the same time. and their new house......AWESOME. giant, beautiful new home, in a great neighborhood. this place was 'to the nines'. i know steve dont want to yank his own chain, but i will say it, his new place is totally kick-a$$. i am kinda glad i didnt take my wife over there, cause she would want it, right now.. i hope to have the opportunity to visit him in the future once they get completely moved in, and have a chance to make the house a home.

and, lucky for me.... the 'water heater' look of his SVS 20-39 PC+ does not jive with the new home and his wifes decorating ideas.... so, he was kind enough to let me buy it from him. i have been saying that my Vega sub was the weak link in my system, and i have been looking to replace it. so, i thought this would be a great option for me. i got it home last night, and hooked it up. i didnt have the chance to properly calibrate it, but upon first listen, i think it is a vast improvement. bass is tighter and more precise. low extension is much better, and overall presence in the room is greater than before. i played with the tuning ports, and found that i liked it tuned at 20Hz, instead of 16Hz. it had more punch, and the bass seemed more agressive. Overall, i am pleased with it, and i am grateful that steve gave me the opportunity to purchase it from him.

Even though we sweated and pushed into muscle fatigue while helping him move, i really enjoyed my time with steve. a very knowledgeable and friendly guy, we hit it off really good from the get-go. i was glad i got to help him move, and thankful for him leting me get his SVS.

i hope more of us could get the chance to meet fellow board members. my meetings with steve and bray have been spectacular experiences, and its nice to form more of a connection than just what this one dimensional forum will allow. i would hope they feel the same way, but probably not.. J/K..


Posted By: Ajax Re: Meeting with Whatfurrer and used SVS - 05/16/05 02:39 PM
SUPERB, John. Congrats to you on your "new" sub, and congrats to Steve on the new house.

I've had the pleasure of having Peter (pmbuko) and Craig (Craigsub) and others here in my home. It truly is great fun to gather with those who share a passion for this hobby.

One of the things I enjoy about the av123 community, is that they have GTGs (Get togethers) all the time, at various places around the country (L.A.; Austin; Chicago; Colorado; Toronto; etc.) Mark Schifter usually attends, schedule permitting) bringing giveaway stuff, and they do a lot of listening, a lot of eating, and (I suspect) a lot of drinking. Steve attended one last year. In fact, Steve, it just dawned on me that I failed to let you know there is a Dallas GTG this coming weekend. I don't know if there is still room on the list, or if the responsibilities of a new house would permit you to attend, but if you're interested, you should check out the thread on the av123 forum.

I would LOVE to see Axiom institute this kind of thing, and the picnic in Dwight this summer is a step in that direction. If successful, perhaps it can be done, at various locations, on a more regular basis. Getting together with many of you here would be a hoot.
Posted By: WhatFurrer Re: Meeting with Whatfurrer and used SVS - 05/16/05 08:05 PM

The sentiments are mutual. I appreciated the help (especially with the big Sony tube TV) as well as the camaraderie.

As soon as the builder corrects an issue with the cable wiring in the new house...broken between the external service point and the internal division point (right now I have no phone nor Internet access )...I will try to put up some pictures of the house (plants and all - John you know what I am referring to) now that we have moved in...unpacking is a different situation .

Got to try to set up (quickly) a small HT for my son as he is having some friends over this weekend...I ordered my QS8's (ala Cap'n Pickard - Light Maple with Eggshell White custom grills) today with intended arrival date of Wednesday...that will relegate the M22's upstairs for the small HT for my son. Although, NOW (Thanks John J/K) I do not have a sub for my HT downstairs...

Plans are to purchase another SVS (Box sub this time) in Cherrywood Veneer (Bigger and Badder than the one I sold to John )...but for the short term may have to revert to using the old Sony subwhimper that came with the HTIB (I know better now ) that will make up a portion of my son's HT.

Jack, I knew about the GTG in Dallas (although I thought it was next week...I've been moving all last week and the days ran together) and had planned on going but I have too much "other" stuff to do now...

Now...where is the remote for the receiver?

Posted By: Ray3 Re: Meeting with Whatfurrer and used SVS - 05/16/05 11:38 PM
....remote..., did somebody say remote???...

Steve - glad to see you are finally moved in. Now you can quit stalling and get the MX-700 (or MX-850). I am still in the packing stage and our move isn't until 6/4. Pretty excited.

bigjohn, you are getting to be quite the Axiom metter/greeter. Good for you. By now, you have hooked up the SVS and you and Shannon are still holding on to firmly anchored items! I've got hte 20-39 PCi and it gives me all I need. Can't imagine the Plus.

Oh BTW - Jack, did anyone ELSE stop by your home for an entire weekend and help you move furniture? Did they? Did they??
Posted By: Ajax Re: Meeting with Whatfurrer and used SVS - 05/17/05 12:29 AM
In reply to:

Oh BTW - Jack, did anyone ELSE stop by your home for an entire weekend and help you move furniture? Did they? Did they??

Did someone do that? I certainly don't remember anything like that. I mean, I might be old, but I'm not THAT old. I'd certainly remember if someone did that. Did I eat dinner tonight? What time is it? Where am I? WHO am I? DOH!
ya know, my wife works at a retirement community and she says Alzheimers starts off a lot like this...
Posted By: bigjohn Re: Meeting with Whatfurrer and used SVS - 05/17/05 01:36 PM
In reply to:

By now, you have hooked up the SVS

most definitely.

i had some initial concerns with it, because upon initial set-up, it wasnt performing how i had expected it to. i was testing some of the standard LFE's scenes from movies that we all use for reference(darla, lord of the rings, phantom menace, fight club, etc), and it sounded weak at times, and then other times, overpowering to the point to where the sub actually bottomed out once or twice. i had it tuned at 16HZ for that, and then realized(DUH), that the overall SPL's would be reduced at that tuning. so, i put it back to standard tuning of 20Hz, recalibrated with the rest of the system, and did a little sub crawl last night. ended up moving the sub out from the corner it was in, and placed it further down the wall, more toward center. it made all the difference.

the 20-39 PC+ is now rockin my HT to its FULL capacity. i was real surprised that i only have to set the volume knob at about 20-25% on the SVS. does everyone else have the same experience..?? my vega would usually stay around 40%. and by comparison, the 2 main difference i can hear are..

the SVS is much more firmer bass, while the Vega sounded kinda 'airy' and 'bloated'. i often got the 'chuff' air noise from the Vega, and i havent heard that at all from the SVS. and, the MAIN difference, is simply the LFE factor. i finally get the old jokes about structerial damage, and things falling of the walls. literally, the house will shake and vibrate with the SVS. i will now have to spend the next few weeks trying to find all the vibration points, and figure out how to shut them up.

i borrowed a miami bass sub test cd from a buddy of mine, that is normally used for testing sub boxes in cars. it starts with bass tones at about 70Hz, and then starts swooping them down gradually to 15Hz. its just that steady bass hummmm, electronically produced. the SVS didnt even stutter. it produced loud, solid, and strong sound, that literally had shannon running up from the front of the house to give me 'the look'. i think she is just about at the end of her rope with the 'sub' testing i have been doing. its all dialed in now though, so she can get more peace and quiet now...

Posted By: bugbitten Re: Meeting with Whatfurrer and used SVS - 05/17/05 02:28 PM
Try an Avia disc for that sub test. I love to hear the smooth transition from 60's to my 500.
Posted By: WhatFurrer Re: Meeting with Whatfurrer and used SVS - 05/17/05 03:27 PM
In reply to:

i finally get the old jokes about structerial damage, and things falling of the walls. literally, the house will shake and vibrate with the SVS. i will now have to spend the next few weeks trying to find all the vibration points, and figure out how to shut them up.

Like I told you. QUAKE SECURE or QUAKE HOLD... Works like a charm...

Make sure to check any rooms that share adjacent walls to the room in which the sub resides...there will be items there giving off vibrations and buzzes...

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