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Posted By: BROCKWOU Help with Home Theater Room?? - 08/29/05 12:57 AM
Brand new to this forum. I got the okay from my wife to do a Home Theater room (5K-6k budget). My room is 13.5 in length and 10.5 wide. Its pretty small room. These are the things that I'm considering.

Optoma H77 projector
Vu-Tec Bright White 100' screen
Harman Kardon 635
DVP Player Pansonic S97

Okay with the Axioms speakers. The HT wizard on this site told me to get the M2i for my fronts with my size room. Will those do, or should I bump it up to M22i. The M2i look so small and wimpy. Then I will get VP 150 for my center and Qs4 for my rears, unless people think its worth the $100 to upgrade to the Qs8 even know my room is so small. If you could give me some feed back. I've been wanting to pull the trigger to buy, but keep running into diffrent product problems. So hoping to by everything in the next day or two. The more feedback the better.

Posted By: bridgman Re: Help with Home Theater Room?? - 08/29/05 01:53 AM
I ran M2i mains in a 13x23 room for a while, coupled with a good sub. The results were REALLY good except when I tried to play real loud, then the M2s started to strain.

I would go with M3 mains. They move about twice as much air as the M2s (bigger woofer) and are real nice speakers. You don't actually need the VP150 (VP100 would be fine) but it sure won't hurt.

I went with QS8s because my room is about twice as big as yours and I am moving to an even larger room. For your room size I would go with QS4s (caveat, I have never heard QS4s but the difference does really seem to be ability to fill a larger room).

You didn't mention a subwoofer. Do you have plans for the sub in mind yet ?

Welcome to the board !
Posted By: JohnK Re: Help with Home Theater Room?? - 08/29/05 02:27 AM
Brock, welcome. Since you'll be using a projection screen with room beneath it, this is ideal for using three identical vertical speakers across the front, which would result in wide and smooth horizontal dispersion. While M2s would probably serve adequately, three M22s should give really excellent results when combined with a sub and crossed at 80Hz. The QS4s should be plenty for that size room. The 635 and other items seem to be well-chosen.
Posted By: dmn23 Re: Help with Home Theater Room?? - 08/29/05 01:51 PM
Can't say I've heard the M2s or M3s, but I just spent four years in an apartment with a living room the size of yours, and I'm still amazed at how wonderful my M22s sound. I watched "Fallen" last night at a pretty loud level, and my M22s never broke a sweat. My QS4s sound wonderful as well. I think everyone here with a pair of bookshelves secretly (or not so secretly ) longs for a pair of M60s or M80s, but I've never once considered the possibility that QS8s would have been a better choice for my room.
Posted By: bridgman Re: Help with Home Theater Room?? - 08/29/05 02:04 PM
I guess I should mention that I'm not saying M3s would be better than M22s, just that M3s should be the minimum if you want to play "loud" in that room. M22s would be even better than M3s.
Posted By: F107plus5 Re: Help with Home Theater Room?? - 08/29/05 02:41 PM
As John had asked, any idea 'bout a sub?

If a sub is not planned, then the M3s may be a slightly better choice, they are famous for not needing a sub in a small room at moderate to loud sound levels.

The M3s have a slightly different sound than the M2s or M22s, so you'd want to research and find which sound type you prefer.(take a look at all the relavent reviews in the "reviews" section of this web site and you'll get a real good idea of the differences)
Posted By: BROCKWOU Re: Help with Home Theater Room?? - 08/29/05 09:21 PM
I forgot to add I already have a sub. I've got a nice JBL sub. I thought it would do fine for a small room like I have.

Posted By: bridgman Re: Help with Home Theater Room?? - 08/30/05 01:29 AM
Sounds fine. Just wanted to make sure you had a sub
Posted By: thyname Re: Help with Home Theater Room?? - 08/30/05 01:51 AM
Hi there Brockwou!! you will not regret becoming an Axiom owner!!
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