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Posted By: MarkSJohnson Blues on Blus.... - 11/28/08 12:12 AM
Is anybody talking about putting multichannel hi-rez audio on Blu-Ray discs down the road?

Although disc prices don't make it terribly attractive at the moment, B-R discs that hold multichannel uncompressed movie soundtracks should do well to hold multichannel music only.

In this current iPod mentality, there are many who wondered if there was a large enough market for SACD and DVD-A to survive. I don't doubt that was an issue, but I also wonder if the death of those formats was also largely due to the expense of the music (compared to Redbook CDs) AND the fact that the discs required special players. With Blu-Ray-Music Discs, people could use the same players and connections so they won't need to buy new equipment. And, theoretically, the audio discs should cost less than a 20-million dollar Hollywood movie put on the same disc.

I think it could work. Unless, of course if DRM issues prevent HDMI connections and they start telling people that they need players and receivers with eight RCA connectors and that they can't play the music discs the second Monday of each month and...and...and....
Posted By: EFalardeau Re: Blues on Blus.... - 11/28/08 01:26 AM
There are loads of operas available on BD. Some have multi-channel 16bits, but the newer ones tend to be mixed in 24/48 or 24/96. The only inconvenient is that the soundmixing in too central-channel oriented and does not sound as natural as SACD (I do have one recording on both formats).
Funnily, because of tradition and possibly wider market, the BD disks tends to be cheaper than SACDs. BUT, they are rarely coming with booklets, which could explain the price difference.
Posted By: CV Re: Blues on Blus.... - 11/28/08 03:09 AM
I'm definitely looking forward to more music being on Blu-ray. Even if they don't go with a music-only specification, I'm excited to see more live music on the format. I'm tempted to pick this one up: - Bach: Brandenburg Concertos 1-6 Blu-ray Review

I'll wait until more classical music comes out and see which ones are considered the ones to get. I think I appreciate classical music more when I actually get to see it being performed, as opposed to just listening to a CD.

I'll probably pick up well-reviewed mixed bag-type Blu-rays, too, like Live From Abbey Road: Best of Season One.

Of course, I'm really looking forward to Blu-ray releases by artists I'm more familiar with, but who knows how long it will be before the technology trickles its way down. A lot of bands still don't have DVD releases.

The CD is already being replaced by downloads, but hopefully live releases on Blu-ray find mainstream success.
Posted By: jakewash Re: Blues on Blus.... - 11/28/08 03:46 AM
I believe I posted on here somewhere that Sony is trying to push the Blu technology into the music realm, what that entails only Sony knows. I would hope a much higher resoltion should be a given but with so much music getting downloaded I fear it is too little too late.
Posted By: CV Re: Blues on Blus.... - 11/28/08 03:54 AM
If you're talking about Blu-spec CDs, it seems that it's simply using blue lasers to create normal CDs, with improvements in quality doubtful.
Posted By: jakewash Re: Blues on Blus.... - 11/28/08 04:06 AM
Nope Blu ray Audio DVDs
Posted By: CV Re: Blues on Blus.... - 11/28/08 04:09 AM
I must have missed the post. A little more information?
Posted By: CV Re: Blues on Blus.... - 11/28/08 04:12 AM
Oh, must be this?:
Posted By: jakewash Re: Blues on Blus.... - 11/28/08 04:16 AM
I think that was it, or at least it was similar. I know I have seen a couple of other articles talking about the idea as well, one even mentioned Sony in talks with the major music labels about BR discs.
Posted By: Nachosgrande Re: Blues on Blus.... - 12/30/08 08:33 PM
Neil Young is putting out his Archives on Blu-Ray. Suprised no talk of it here...
Posted By: pmbuko Re: Blues on Blus.... - 12/30/08 11:46 PM
We don't talk about Canadians much.
Posted By: CV Re: Blues on Blus.... - 12/31/08 05:01 AM
I just wonder how much the going price will be versus the rather substantial MSRP.
Posted By: medic8r Re: Blues on Blus.... - 12/31/08 03:29 PM
 Originally Posted By: MarkSJohnson
... and they start telling people that they need players and receivers with eight RCA connectors and that they can't play the music discs the second Monday of each month and...and...and....

...and you can't play them in certain sucky rooms in New Hampshire ... and ...
Posted By: MarkSJohnson Re: Blues on Blus.... - 12/31/08 03:46 PM
What if they could ONLY play them in sucky rooms in New Hampshire?

I see a marketing opportunity!
Posted By: alan Re: Blues on Blus.... - 12/31/08 04:40 PM
Hi Mark,

It won't happen as an audio-only format. Given the history of SACD and DVD-Audio (and for all the reasons you cite), issuing audio-only Blu-ray discs would not be profitable.

There is an entire culture that assumes video will accompany multi-channel high-quality audio.


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