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Posted By: 2x6spds Tube Rolling KT88s - 05/22/17 01:19 AM
I like to post here because I want to make sure no one reads my posts.

However, for the few of you who use KT88 tubes in their amps, I have a highest recommendation - the PSVANE KT88 MIIs. I swapped out a pair of Svetlana Winged -C- 6550s and I can say, straight out of the box, no comparison. Also better than the Shuguang Black Treasure KT88zs!

The PSVANEs are incredible. I'm using them in a modified Antique Sound Labs MG S1 15dt (V-Cap upgrade) with a pair of Mullard NOS 12ax7s.

Magic! Jump factor! Rich, beautiful. Not cheap, but worth every Yuan.
Posted By: merchman Re: Tube Rolling KT88s - 05/22/17 01:29 AM
What speakers are you driving with your amp, 2X6? I think the M3s might be a good match. wink Sorry to harsh your mellow by reading your post laugh
Posted By: Gr8_White_North Re: Tube Rolling KT88s - 05/22/17 01:38 AM
Ha Ha he knows better i read all his BS lol
Posted By: 2x6spds Re: Tube Rolling KT88s - 05/22/17 01:46 AM
Ah! Me bros. I meant this thread for you!!

I'm using rhe Emerald Physics EP2.8s.

You are right, the 5 wpc SET amp is a perfect match for the M3s. That combo, SET amp and M3s, along with a tube output Ah! Njoe Tjoeb CD player started me on the path of audio obsession.
Posted By: merchman Re: Tube Rolling KT88s - 05/22/17 02:01 AM
Nice! I haven't posted for quite awhile, but have followed the forums over the years. Glad you are finding audio nirvana, however you can. That is what the hobby is all about. Have you tried any of your tube amps with your M80s or M100s? Perhaps your Michaura's?

Posted By: 2x6spds Re: Tube Rolling KT88s - 05/22/17 02:09 AM
Thinking about it, I've spent a lot of money since then but the ASL amp, M3tis, Mapleshade Clearview double helix speaker wire, Ah! CDP, Velodyne 10" sub in an acoustically friendly room was not only terrific, but good enough to live with forever.

I grabbed a second ASL amp from the Canuck used audio site, slapped in some Shuguang Black Treasure KT88s, a 12" HSU sub, a pair of the magnificent Michaura M66s (modded of course), a used Technics table with a cheap Ortofon red, and used Sony ES SACD player, it sounds as good (that is to say, great) as many of me local audio bro's big buck systems.
Posted By: 2x6spds Re: Tube Rolling KT88s - 05/22/17 02:16 AM
Yes merchman, the M80s. The M100s didn't work in my very difficult living room. Axiom was great as usial and took them back.

My dad passed away the day before his 95th birthday last November. I shipped his Harman Kardon TA5000x tube receiver and had it recapped and lightly modified. The original Mullard 12ax7s were still excellent! I hooked it up to the M80s just the other day, and it sounded great! That amp puts out about 20 wpc and is very modern sounding ... clean, accurate but still has that tube magic.
Posted By: merchman Re: Tube Rolling KT88s - 05/22/17 02:28 AM
Originally Posted By 2x6spds

My dad passed away the day before his 95th birthday last November. I shipped his Harman Kardon TA5000x tube receiver and had it recapped and lightly modified. The original Mullard 12ax7s were still excellent! I hooked it up to the M80s just the other day, and it sounded great! That amp puts out about 20 wpc and is very modern sounding ... clean, accurate but still has that tube magic.

Sorry to hear about your father, but happy you could honor him by fixing his H/K, and using it. Hope you are able to enjoy it for a long time and eventually pass it on.
Posted By: 2x6spds Re: Tube Rolling KT88s - 05/22/17 02:31 AM
Thank you Merchman. He was a great man, served his country in WWII, had a great life.
Posted By: exlabdriver Re: Tube Rolling KT88s - 05/22/17 05:36 PM
I have a complete set of replacement PSVANE tubz that I purchased from Grant Fidelity in Alberta for my Yaquin MC100-B that uses KT-88s. They are definitely quality products.

I used the PSVANE replacement set for a month for warranty purposes & then swapped them back to be used as a spare set when the OEMs eventually fail.

I guess that I have a tin ear because I heard no difference between either set of different brands...

Posted By: Gr8_White_North Re: Tube Rolling KT88s - 05/22/17 07:11 PM
Perhaps some of just dont suffer from expectation bias, that or we are just easier to please.
Posted By: 2x6spds Re: Tube Rolling KT88s - 05/22/17 08:16 PM
Yup, I suffer. However, I did swap out 6550s for KT88s. Different tubes.
Posted By: Gr8_White_North Re: Tube Rolling KT88s - 05/23/17 12:11 AM
Just teasing, i think i lack proper training to pick music apart. I can enjoy pretty much any system ,especially when i used to drink. I mostly listen to classic rock and lots of metallica, its all about da bass.
Posted By: 2x6spds Re: Tube Rolling KT88s - 05/23/17 04:35 AM
Mostly jazz, classical, and vocals for me.

I grasp at anything that might be an improvement. Not pleased with the EP2.8s. Still waiting for Mark to come out again and work his magic. June 3 and it'll have been a year since I bought these beauties.

I will report back.
Posted By: merchman Re: Tube Rolling KT88s - 05/23/17 11:56 PM
Do you have any pics of the EP2.8's set up at your place? I believe I remember seeing some from last year when you were waiting on them.
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