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Posted By: Greg2 M60ti and NAD C740 - 01/13/06 09:00 PM
Can the NAD C740 receiver (35-40 watts) drive M60 speakers? My room is 13 x 16 x 9 feet and I listen to mostly jazz and some classical at moderate listening levels. Thanks for all replies.
Posted By: bridgman Re: M60ti and NAD C740 - 01/13/06 09:29 PM
I ran my M60s on a 60-ish watt receiver playing all kinds of loud rock and never felt I was short of power except when I tried for that "wall of sound". For your application I expect the receiver would be fine. The difference between 40 watts and 80 watts is only "turning the volume control up 3dB" anyways.

I assume you have had some speakers hooked up to the NAD now -- are the M60s much less sensitive than those speakers ?
Posted By: Merkaba Re: M60ti and NAD C740 - 01/13/06 09:57 PM
Easily. I run my 60s in a similar sized room with a C320BEE (50wpc) and it has been rock solid thus far. Is there a noticeable difference between 35 and 50 wpc? Probably not.
Posted By: Greg2 Re: M60ti and NAD C740 - 01/13/06 10:38 PM
Don't know the specs of my current speakers, but now I am forced to out myself. They are EPI 100s (dare I say Consumer Reports best buy from circa 1974). Think I will notice a difference????!!!!!
Posted By: Wid Re: M60ti and NAD C740 - 01/13/06 10:47 PM
I do remember the EPI 100s quite fondly; they were my very first set of speakers. I have had a few sets of speakers since then, now I have the Axiom M80s. I really don't think the EPIs are in the same ballpark as the Axioms. You will be discovering your music all over again
Posted By: bridgman Re: M60ti and NAD C740 - 01/14/06 01:03 AM
Cool. I always liked EPI 100s.

I believe you will find that the M60s will play a bit louder than the EPI100s at the same power levels, so if you are OK with the volume levels now you will be more than OK with the M60s.
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