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Posted By: TrapVector Speakers Came Today! - 05/15/06 04:47 PM
Hello. I am new to the Axiom forum. After waiting a year, I finally ordered my speakers and they arrived today-one day early from when Axiom said they would arrive. Fedex delivered everything but the M60's, which will arrive tomorrow. Some of the boxes look pretty beat up, which makes me nervous. Has anyone else experienced this? How concerned should I be? From what I read about Axiom Customer Service, I feel pretty confident they will help me if any of the speakers are damaged. My system is going from Bose/Sony satellites to Axiom M60's(2), VP150, QS8's(2), & EP350. Pretty big difference I guess...
Posted By: littleb Re: Speakers Came Today! - 05/15/06 05:42 PM
Dude, they're double boxed. So, unless the outer box is ripped off the the inner one is shredded, your speakers should be ok.
Posted By: HomeDad Re: Speakers Came Today! - 05/15/06 05:46 PM
TrapVector, Welcome to the forum, the speakers should be fine, if not Axiom will take care of you. Once you get everything setup we would love to hear your thoughts.

Posted By: Ajax Re: Speakers Came Today! - 05/15/06 05:46 PM
In reply to:

My system is going from Bose/Sony satellites to Axiom M60's(2), VP150, QS8's(2), & EP350. Pretty big difference I guess...

Let's just say we'll be VERY interested to see if YOU notice a difference.
Posted By: SirQuack Re: Speakers Came Today! - 05/15/06 06:13 PM
Should be like going from a Chevette to a Corvette, ha ha...

Welcome to the forum...
Posted By: n8wrl Re: Speakers Came Today! - 05/15/06 07:05 PM

My speakers came in 3 sets because I ordered them that way. When the 60's came one box was pretty beat up, in fact, I could see one of the corners thru the hole in the box but it was fine. Damn do they sound sweet - you're in for a treat! Have fun!

-Brian n8wrl
Posted By: ratpack Re: Speakers Came Today! - 05/16/06 03:32 AM
Open them and look at the inside and then the speakers themselves. If they don't look damaged, I wouldn't worry. It they are, then I would go through the "process" and get them replaced.

One of my M80 boxes looked pretty well beat up but the speaker was just fine.

Let us know after you open them.
Posted By: INANE Re: Speakers Came Today! - 05/16/06 04:03 AM
Congrats! Be sure to share your thoughts with the forums.
Posted By: keend0 Re: Speakers Came Today! - 05/16/06 05:20 PM

I'm still waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting.

It's killing me, where is that brown truck!
Posted By: ditcin Re: Speakers Came Today! - 05/18/06 02:04 PM
Just wait - when you first listen to your first film, or music tack it'll be like taking cotton out of your ears. Or - did you ever get water in your ears when swimming? Then a day or so later it came running out and suddenly everything was so loud and clear... well, that's what it'll be like.
Posted By: TrapVector Re: Speakers Came Today! - 05/18/06 06:01 PM
Well, it's been three days now and everything is finally set up. My first reaction is: Sweet Jesus!! The difference is phenomenal! I've mostly been listening to Duran Duran for music and watching Star Trek for movies. It feels like I'm in the studio with the fab five or on board the Enterprise. The coolest thing is being able to hear the nuances in movies and music that I couldn't hear before. Also, everything was fine once I opened all the boxes. Axiom packages things very well. Thanks for all your comments-most everyone on the board is really friendly.
Posted By: HomeDad Re: Speakers Came Today! - 05/18/06 06:06 PM
Great to hear you are happy with your setup, I think most of us feel the same way.
Posted By: ratpack Re: Speakers Came Today! - 05/18/06 06:20 PM
It is always difficult to estimate how much difference there will be!

Glad that you are pleased and enjoying your new "goodies."
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