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Posted By: Murph Since now I owe you...Wiring cost calculator - 11/06/07 07:02 PM
Hi folks, I made you all read a very long post if you read questions on my new room design. So in fairness, I'll pass along something I put together when I was scratching down some numbers to calculate speaker wire costs.

My mistake was I fired up Excel then I got carried away. Take a look and see what you think. Can't promise it's bug free and it makes some assumptions.

Basically plug in all the data in the blue squares and it will calculate all your wiring costs, audio and video, and for several different scenarios. It even takes into account door frames & conduit.

It makes some assumptions based on my room, like the AV shelf being in the top right corner, but you can play with the numbers to accommodate.

Too much to explain but there are multiple tabs and you have to make some selections on the last page to get totals.

Let me know if its useful, and whats broke or thought out incorrectly.

There is no password on the protection if you'd like to make adjustments or changes.

Speaker Wire Calc

If you have questions, you can post them here and I'll try and answer them.

That's a great job. People actually make money from selling apps like that. You may want to consider adding the costs for jacks, plugs, speakers, pre/pro, receiver, amps, TV, etc so that you can have a complete model.
Good idea Mojo. The next bout of insomnia, I'll add that in.
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