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Posted By: Captain4105 M22ti Versus M22v2 - 01/30/09 08:59 AM
What's the difference between the ti and v2? I know the v2 is an update, but I've read a lot of reviews recently including on the Axiom website that are for the ti's and I just can determine the difference. It seems that all Axioms have been upgraded with the new designation (except for subwoofers)...Thanks...Lee
Posted By: MarkSJohnson Re: M22ti Versus M22v2 - 01/30/09 11:40 AM
Hi Captain:
The word from Axiom has been that little incremental changes are made over a period of time, and they thought that there had been enough little changes to designate a new version. I know that one of the changes were that some had tweaks to the crossover.

Nothing specific was noted for individual speakers, so I can't help you with the M22 specifically.
Posted By: alan Re: M22ti Versus M22v2 - 01/30/09 02:17 PM
Hello Lee,

There were no changes to the M22 v2's crossover from the original M22ti. When I joined Axiom and began listening tests to the entire Axiom line in 2002, the M22ti was one of the speakers that I said, "Don't change a thing; it's sonic performance is lovely." The v2 designation was because we changed mechanical things like the binding posts, the method of grille attachment, etc.

Some other models in the Axiom line did have changes in the crossovers, including the original M80ti, the VP100 and a couple of others. The M40ti was discontinued and a small mini-speaker as well.

Posted By: jakewash Re: M22ti Versus M22v2 - 01/30/09 06:15 PM
I know this goes against what Alan just wrote but having just A/B'd a set of original M22s to M22v2's, I did notice a slight increase in top end performance in the originals. The v2's were slightly less open, airy, forward, the keyword is slightly. If I hadn't done an A/B I never would have known there was any difference. I do not know if this is just a unique situation pertaining to just my M22s or if it would be something that is across all of the M22s. I can say that the M22v2 XO has changed it's lay out compared to the original, so maybe this has affected the sound a little. I also remember someone posting about a replacement driver having a different look to it than his original, possibly this has made a slight difference in performance, although he did state he could not hear any difference once installed.
Posted By: doormat Re: M22ti Versus M22v2 - 01/31/09 01:24 AM
To add to that I would say that when listening to Jay's M22s I could never really decide whether I really liked them or really disliked them. Listening to my v2s there is no uncertainty; they are fantastic.
Posted By: jakewash Re: M22ti Versus M22v2 - 01/31/09 10:13 AM
Mark, Greg felt the same way as you about my M22's.
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