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Posted By: mpyw I've got myself a new house with ready HT room - 11/08/10 12:44 AM
so...what should be my next step....I should be moving in after all the documentations and loan arrangement being sorted out in 2-3 months time....

These are the equipment I have now:-

TV: Pioneer KURO 50"
AVR : Onkyo TX-SR808
BDP : Oppo BDP-80 / Dune Prime 1.0
Gaming : PS3
Speakers : Axiom M60v2, VP150v2, Orb Audio Mod 1 (surround)
Sub : SVS PC-12+

The HT equipment the previous owner left behind :-

Projector : look like a Marantz but I will double confirm on Wednesday when I go to do a stock take

AVR : should be Marantz SR7002 or 8002
CD/DVD player : Another Marantz models
Karaoke machine : BMB

I saw a huge CPU at the entertainment hall and I think that guy using Kaleidascope

and in the picture it still have some unknow surround speakers hanging there

some photos:-

what do you guys think?
Sweet! With a little dusting that place will be good as new!
I personally would check out how any of the left behind equipment works, check model number and pull owners manual and spec from the web if you don't have hard copies. I would decide if I want to keep all of what was left, replace some, etc.

Definitely would recommend you using your vp150 with you axiom fronts instead of the center speaker left behind to ensure an even match across the front.
Lucky you, the hard work is already done! Congrats smile
Originally Posted By: terzaghi
Sweet! With a little dusting that place will be good as new!

Ha! That was my first thought, too.

Looks like a sweet set-up. Most of us would die to have that as a jumping off point. Unfortunately, for the home theater tinkerer in you, there's probably not much to do, except sit back and enjoy.

Tell me, though, if you get a chance - what is the piece of HT furniture in the room? I've been looking for a dual love-seat configuration with all four seats reclining and an arm rest in between.
Looks very nice, you guys with dedicated HT's make me jealous.
sigh...look like the projector is a Sharp XV-Z10000U 720p unit and without HDMI input...

This definitely have to go and replace by a 1080p unit, is Epson 8350 good?
Before you leap in and buy a 1080p projector, just consider using it for a while and see whether you like the quality.

I have a 720p projector on a 100" screen, and the picture is so clear, I cannot resolve any pixel structure form my seat, about 12 feet away, I have to get up very close to see any pixels.

Also, while HDMI connections are convenient, the Component connections should deliver the same high quality, high definition picture, at least in 720p. I don't know what you will have to do to run HDMI cable in that space, but if it requires a lot of work, you just might consider holding off on that purchase for a while.

What is the size of the screen, and how far away from it is the couch? (Oh yeah, what kind of couch is it? Did you ever find out?) How are the connections currently run?
double post...
Here's a chart that contains "Viewing distance when resolution becomes important" on
Based on Brian's link, 100" at 12 feet is right at the point where 1080p becomes a noticeable difference. Perhaps I have been fooling myself (isn't ignorance bliss, especially when it means all that extra cash in my pocket?), but in any event, my advice stands true.

Since you've already got the PJ and cables run, I would live with it for a while and see what you think. At the very least, it will help inform your buying decision on the upgrade.
Thanks for the advise, I just google some pictures of the projector and found out it's a Sharp.

Am planning for a 120" screen fixed frame and would definitely check out the brand and models of the couch for you (if there's a label on it :p)

I think I would move the left over Marantz AVR to living room and also eagerly to find out if he had done any networking wiring at all (big hope! :p), because I don't think using wireless can reach the basement and for streaming of video, a wired connection would be better off.
Good luck! When do you get back in the space to check everything out?

Where is the new home, by the way? Kuala Lumpur still?
Checked the house yesterday with previous owner, a nice chap.

It seem that all the speakers are left behind, all Wharfedale 7.1 WH series (front L/R are being hidden in the wall panels) and the AVR is Marantz SR7500 and the SACD/CD/DVD player is Marantz DV7600. Could not find a brand on the couch though..sorry.

and upon checking, there's a electric screen already there and that would save me another grand... grin

Most wonderful thing is, the whole house is already networked to every room, a big relief to me! Will check with that guy's installer whether it's cat5 or cat6 wiring....

there's a Karaoke machine with 60000 songs inside, my wife would love that, ha ha.

Now, would the Wharfedale WH2 surround match the performance of the Axiom QS4 or QS8?

The front 3.0 and the small sub will move to living hall.

some pictures of the house listed by other property agent:-
Don't worry about the Cat5 vs. Cat6 until you have trouble. In most cases you can do gigabit over Cat5 without any problems.
thanks Chris,
btw, would it be a big different if I move the back surround to become a wide surround?

I found that the back surround here are too close to the sitting area (like only 2' from it) and suspicious on the effectiveness compared to what I have now (8' to the back)
Originally Posted By: mpyw
there's a Karaoke machine with 60000 songs inside, my wife would love that, ha ha.

Unfortunately, it's all Kraftwerk! (Sorry, Mary!) smile
Thanks for checking the couch. Looks like things are working out nicely for you. Congrats!
Do I have to remove the cabinet (at least the top shelve) for me to put on the VP150 so that it won't block the screen??

How much height from the top of the cabinet to the bottom of the screen?
Looks like the dust is finally gone!
You could always remove the cabinet and start from scratch at that point. Such as buy a stand for the speaker that places it at the correct height. Axiom sells stands at variable heights made to order.
looking at the new VP180 in thinking would that be a good upgrade for my new HT room?

Or should I just get a normal VP180?
I'm not sure where you'd put it IN that cabinet--after all, the thing is huge!
I would be getting the keys to my new place in 2 weeks time
but heck, I might get myself a new job which is a 2 hours drive from my house if everything works out okay.
So, I might be only be able to enjoy my HT on weekends....sigh, it took away lots of fun from me and kill off the urge of upgrading any of my equipment... frown
Gosh....just got the layout plan for my new place.

The AV room is perfectly square!!!

at 17.5' x 17.5' x 9 (h) ....

another square room buddies in the house!

ok now, for a room of 2750sft, will my existing system be able to fill it up?
Depends on how much of the room you want filled and how far away the listening positions will be from the speakers. My guess is that your system wil be fine for most listening/HT sessions. Only if you want to hear 95 db on the far side of the room will you need an upgrade.
Originally Posted By: mpyw
another square room buddies in the house!

Let me find my black arm band....
Welcome to "Borg Theatre", no 3D glasses here but you can use one of them red laser lights attached to your eye if you want.
...."I am Markutus of Borg....all non-square HT's are futile"....
Finally got the keys yesterday....and have a look inside the HT room, yeah, it's square but thankfully, the room had been treated by previous, lots of panels and diffuser in the room and I did not heard dull, echo or hollow sound when I talk in the room.

but, 1 light bulb blown when I turned the switch on, must have been not active for too long of time.

The storage room got lots of moles on the plywood, means the room moisture must be very high, how to reduce that?

A closer inspection of the speakers, it's Mordant-Short Aviano 900 series for the front and sub, Wharfedale surround speakers.

A Sharp 720p projector, Marantz SR7500 AVR, Marantz DVD/SACD player, Pioneer DVD player and a BMB karaoke system.
Yahoo! Finally got the Sharp projector to display 720p video and got my hd audio through hdmi. Thank to dune which can send those signal separately using component and hdmi, and my Onkyo does a better video processing than the dune, so from dune - componnent - Onkyo - component out to sharp zxv9000 digital projector.

Although not a full hd projector and the black is nothing compare to my Kuro, still a fantastic image I got there....
Some picture of my Room

Equipments list:

AVR : Onkyo TX-NR808
Power Amp : Emotiva XPA-3
BD Player : Dune BD Prime 1.0
Speakers : Axiom M60v2, VP150v2, Mordount Short Avant 900 Series Surround speakers
Sub woofer : SVS PC12 Plus
Projector : Sharp ZXV9000E 720p digital projector
HDD NAS: IcyDock, Probox, Buffalo External, Twin Dockers
Very nice. I'm jealous. Why do people keep posting pictures of their nice rooms? When I finally make my room, it's going to be the ugliest one here.
Nice Room.

Charles, I expect to see stone pedestals with slain Medusa heads on each side of the screen. It will be epic.
And, you'll have to have a sofa big enough to have Marina on your left and Regina on your right.
Very nice looking room, congrats! The VP150 looks to small compared to the rest of the decors wink
Awesome looking room!
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