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If anyone has compared (listened to) both planar type speakers and Axiom M60Ti. I am virtually sold on the Axiom speakers, however I have heard some very expensive planar speakers and really enjoyed the experience. The planar speakers auditioned were Martin Logans and well above my budget. During my research however I found the Magnapan line and am curious about there entry level speaker MMG?

Anyone audition both of these speakers and care to help with my decision process. Obviously most of you decided on the Axioms but I would like to read your comments on the matter.

Posted By: Ken.C Re: Axiom vs Planar speakers, any comments? - 02/19/04 03:17 AM
The Magnepans I've heard (MG12s and MG1.5) were incredible. I haven't compared them directly to Axiom's line (and I've only heard M22s), but they were definitely better. However, the M22s are very close in sheer impressiveness. I haven't heard the MMGs, but one assumes they are quite good as well. I've never heard Martin Logans, but the guy in the shop where I've listend to Maggies is not impressed with them (he sells both, and the MLs are quite a bit more expensive). He didn't even want to hook them us for us to listen to.
Posted By: Saturn Re: Axiom vs Planar speakers, any comments? - 02/19/04 05:34 AM
Electrostats and Planars sound different than box type speakers. Both have its strenghts. Electrostats and planers can project a vast and wide soundstage that can emulate a full orchestra with detail and immediacy. Classical emsembles are soo good with Electrostats and Planars. Box type speakers imaging are top notch. I personally think a standard box type speaker like the M60 can pinpoint (localization of instruments, singer, etc) a little better.

Martin Logans are great but you need to spend lots and move further up their model sound to get that powerful electrostat sound. The lower models don't cut it. There is not enough air pushed by the smaller panels.

The affordable Maggies still need a sub to cover the lower frequency. I have heard the MMG but again since it is a smaller panel it doesn't have that immediacy and detail that the higher model MG12QR (which I do own) or MG1.6QR posses.

Matching planers with sub is also important. You need a fast tight sub that can keep up with planers or electrostats. HSU and SVS is always regarded highly when matching with planers and electrostats.

here is a link of the MG12 that I own.

ps: some people actually do not like the dipole sound for mains. Both the planer and electrostat is a dipole. The sound is projected forward and also backwards. And the sound is very enveloping.
Go out and give one a listen...hopefully it is properly setup.
Posted By: Merlock Re: Axiom vs Planar speakers, any comments? - 02/19/04 05:57 PM
I'd suggest heading to an authorized Magnepan dealer and giving them a listen. They have a dealer locater at

If, as your nick suggests, you are in the Pacific Northwest there are dealers in Eugene, Bellevue and Seattle. I've been to the one in Eugene and they have a good setup to listen to.

Free to listen to, way over my budget to take home...Axioms are currently relaxing in my living room...
Posted By: tonygeno Re: Axiom vs Planar speakers, any comments? - 02/19/04 06:36 PM
"I've never heard Martin Logans, but the guy in the shop where I've listend to Maggies is not impressed with them (he sells both, and the MLs are quite a bit more expensive). He didn't even want to hook them us for us to listen to."

I wonder how he's able to sell any with that sales pitch and presentation.
Posted By: Ken.C Re: Axiom vs Planar speakers, any comments? - 02/19/04 08:50 PM
Dunno. He said that the only reason he carries them is because some people insist on them. The dude obviously makes a living; he's got tons of esoteric stuff in the shop.
and who knows, maybe his margin is a lot better on the Maggies compared to the MLs (I hate to assume the worst).
Posted By: Ken.C Re: Axiom vs Planar speakers, any comments? - 02/19/04 09:10 PM
That is certainly also possible. Although I am so naive, I never even thought of that...
I have no idea what the profit margin is on Martin Logans, but my stepfather bought a pair a few years ago and a Macintosh receiver to power them. The dealer did the set-up for him, and I have to tell you that the sound is fantastic.
Thanks for the replies. After looking into it more, I do not think that I could get as much speaker for the money going with planars. The planars I was looking at appear to be limited in range (especially the low end). As the current upgrade mission is to get closer to full range, I have decided on the Axioms. I placed my order last night. Yeah! The worst thing now is the shipping wait. Thanks for your help.

- BigFoot_Lives

PS. My nick just is meant to be pure fun, not clue you in on my geographical location.
You've made a good choice and I think you will be thrilled. One thing that did not come up in this thread is electronics. As I mentioned in a previous post, I really enjoy the quality of sound that planar speakers are capable of, but you have to match them with serious power to achieve it. They require lots of wattage to achieve the similar volumes and some can present a difficult load for amplifiers. However, if money were no object, I would definitely find a place for a pair in my house.
Posted By: Ken.C Re: Axiom vs Planar speakers, any comments? - 02/20/04 08:34 PM
When I was auditioning the 1.5s (or 1.6s, don't remember...), the guy was using a 50 WPC tube amp, which, AFAIK, is pretty honkin' huge for a tube amp. They started on a 20 WPC tube, I think, and when we put in Metallica, the guy came running out, stopped the CD, took the speakers, and hooked them up to the 50. And proceeded to turn up the Metallica louder than I would listen to it normally. Surprised the hell out of me...
Just out of curiosity, do you remember the brand and price of the tube amps?
Posted By: mwc Re: Axiom vs Planar speakers, any comments? - 02/21/04 02:19 AM
FYI: Magnepans are planar (ribbon and quasi ribbon) speakers and Martin Logans are electrostats. And the twain shall never meet. We are talking about two different driver technologies here. To my ears, the only thing they have in common (sound wise that is) is that they are both dipole. For my tastes, I'll choose the planars any day.
Posted By: Ken.C Re: Axiom vs Planar speakers, any comments? - 02/21/04 03:52 AM
Unfortnately, no. I just remember that the 50 WPC was black, relatively massive, and had huge heatsinks. Maybe Peter or Adam will remember.
Posted By: Ken.C Re: Axiom vs Planar speakers, any comments? - 02/21/04 03:56 AM
What's the difference between the two?
Posted By: mwc Re: Axiom vs Planar speakers, any comments? - 02/21/04 06:38 AM
Here is a brief, simple explaination that says it better than I can.
Posted By: Ken.C Re: Axiom vs Planar speakers, any comments? - 02/21/04 06:48 AM
Thanks. A link actually was what I was asking for...

Wow, that's a great site! Now I've got some reading to do.
Posted By: AdamP88 Re: Axiom vs Planar speakers, any comments? - 02/23/04 07:45 AM
In reply to:

Unfortnately, no. I just remember that the 50 WPC was black, relatively massive, and had huge heatsinks. Maybe Peter or Adam will remember.

If they were big, black and had massive heatsinks they were most likely VTL equipment, though a quick browse of their website doesn't reveal any 50wpc amps in their current lineup. I think the ones that were hooked up to the 3.6Rs I listened to were MB-750 Reference monoblocks (750 watts/channel).
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