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I am going to have: 1 pair M22s, 1 Pair QS4s, VP100, EP125 with an Onkyo TX-SR601 Receiver (6.1, 6 Ohms), the low priced Pioneer SACD/DVD Audio player (I can upgrade later), and a Technics 5 CD Changer in a 12 X 15 room with 11 foot ceilings.

What do you think?
Works for me... You may wish to consider a Hsu or SVS subwoofer instead of the EP125, but having not heard either a Hsu or the 125, it's hard for me to say.
Aren't SVS's a bit more expensive?

I've actually been debating on eliminating the surrounds and getting M60s in place of the M22s. And get the surrounds in a year or so. ???????

if the pioneer u reffered to is the 563a model, u r better off not buying the second member in the forum in the last month to return it.......the player has quiet a few issues
Plink, as requested, I've taken off my fetters and as I often do, I'll suggest a vertical M2 for a center. If you're considering postponing anything, it shouldn't be the surrounds; you can temporarily do without a center channel speaker and have the mains reproduce center channel movie material in "phantom" mode. If you're interested in a Hsu sub, the STF-1, for example, would be slightly less.
gnrajagopal, thanks for the tip! That's really too bad. I really wanted a cheap SACD option until I could upgrade but now I'm having serious doubts.
If all you want is SACD, I would strongly consider the Sony DVP 685V or the 755V. The 755V is discontinued but you can still find it for pretty cheap and it is an awesome player. It has also been noted by professional reviewers that Sony makes the best SACD players for under $500.
player 8, it seemed like there are more SACD titles out there but the DVD Audio option was nice. if I'm going to upgrade to a multi player in the future, you're right, a Sony SACD might be feasible for the next year or two

and thanks John K. I don't know much about speakers. What you said seems logical.
I have the 563a in my living room system, it gets used most days for kids DVD's, and sometimes for CD playback with no problems at all. Haven't used it for DVD-A or SACD yet.
Got the Grand Master system and its on the way! A long couple of days coming up.
Congrats Plinko. I hope you enjoy everything. Let us know. And, when you get things set up, post pics if you're able.
Thanks Ajax (Jack)! I'll try to get some pics up after I move into our house. For now, its just a temporary makeshift setup in our apartment. Yes, I couldn't wait until we moved much to the chagrin of my girlfriend. : )

Also, I got the Pioneer 563 player from Crutchfield. I've read bad things including an article from one of the audio review sites (not to mention this board). I'll report back. I just wanted something inexpensive to hold me over for a year or two.
Keep your fingers crossed on the 563. Some have had no problems whatsoever with them. Hopefully you'll be one of them.
I plan to give it a hefty workout for a couple of weeks (gonna borrow some friend's sacds and dvd audios). If problems, I'll send it back. The article I read mentioned a specific cd that wouldn't play. I'd like to get my hands on a copy out of curiousity.

I'm starting to feel sentimental about my equipment search. It was so much fun!
"I'm starting to feel sentimental about my equipment search. It was so much fun!"

Don't worry, it's not over! It's called "Upgradeitis" and just about everyone on this board is afflicted with it.

You should definitely enjoy that system. The M22's rock. I had the 563 for a short time, and returned it for the Denon 2200. It sounds like the Denon would be out of your price range, so the 563 should be fine. It was not a bad unit, I just wanted more. Good luck with your new system.
In reply to:

Requesting unfettered criticism

Ok... You're ugly, and your mother dresses you funny.

Now that I'm done being unfettered, that should be one heck of a nice system. I hope you enjoy it very much!

Live long and prosper.

I just got done setting up M22s and sub for a little stereo listening. Very nice. I haven't done any serious calibration or anything and probably won't - moving to our first house in a month. Besides everything else, the SACDs sound really really good. Do I hang the surrounds for for about one month or just let them sit in the box?

Best stuff I ever bought.
until I get the sub to work...that is
sub working great - user error!
We call that a PBCAK (pee bee cack) in the computer biz.

"Problem Between Chair And Keyboard"

OK... in your case PBCAS

"Problem Between Couch And Sub"

Around these parts, it's also known as an "I.D.10.T" error...
HEY, that almost looks like it says IDIOT..

(i get it)

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