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Posted By: burgerjeff Yam 2400 Speaker Advice - 06/10/04 02:38 AM
First post here... Have decide after 4 months to go with Axiom, and have narrowed down to some preliminary choices (I think)..

Situation: Just finished building my HT. It's 12'x21' with 8.5' ceiling. Have two 8" risers in back, each 3.5' long. Primary listening area is floor and first riser - so about 4.5' from back wall and 16.5 from front wall.

I listen to music about 40% of the time the rest Movies/TV (soon HDTV once I recharge the coffers from this impending speaker purchase!!)

Equip so far:
Yammie RXV-2400 Receiver
Philips 963SA DVD/SACD

My original speaker plan:
M80 Fronts
QS8 Surrounds
M3ti rears
VP150 center

My concerns after thinking some more:

1)M80s may be too much for room (and was a little concerned about running 4 ohm load with the Yammy +6 ohm on the QS8)
so thought to go to the M60s instead....

2) heard that the M2ti might be a better match for the rest of the set in the rear (timbre)

So help me out I'm ready to go for it:
M80s or M60s??
M3ti or M2ti??

Posted By: BigWill Re: Yam 2400 Speaker Advice - 06/10/04 03:35 AM
I think you're right about the M80s not being necessary. M60s would be more than adequate. I had a pair of M3s, and though I've not heard the M2s, I believe that they would be the better choice (based on what I've read and can infer from others' statements) for rear surrounds. The added bass of the M3s probably not important back there.
Posted By: Ajax Re: Yam 2400 Speaker Advice - 06/10/04 03:58 AM
I agree with Mark (BigWill). The 60s would be adequate, and the M2s would be better than the M3s as rear surrounds.

My room is 11.5x18x8, and some think my room is too small for the M60s (I don't). So, you won't go wrong with them.

Having said that, If you've got the bug (and the budget), I don't think the M80s would necessarily be overkill.
The 80s are reputedly a little finicky when it comes to placement, but they can play louder, and a little deeper in frequency response than the 60s.

The money you'd save by going with the 60s would pay for the M2s.

The VP150 is a good center speaker, and you'll love the QS8s. Fabulous surround speakers.

Posted By: bigjohn Re: Yam 2400 Speaker Advice - 06/10/04 01:18 PM
ditto to all that has been said.

with that size room, the M60's pushed by that yamaha 2400 would be MORE than enough. if you have the urge to peel paint, and cause nose bleeds, then go ahead and get the M80's, but its not necessary. plus, the money you save will allow for more versatility elsewhere in your HT.

VP150 is an awesome center.. QS8's are awesome surrounds. i think you could go either way on the rears. M2's or M3's, will both do the job. since i only have a 5.1 system, i dont feel experienced enough to say.. but, it is generally suggested to go with the front firing speakers for rears, rather than the QS series. so you are on the right track

Posted By: mhorgel Re: Yam 2400 Speaker Advice - 06/11/04 03:13 AM
Axiom resident guru Alan Lofft has just posted in another current thread that the M2's are a better tonal match for M60's, with the M3's being the better match for the M40's and M50's. By all means, go with the M60's and M2's. It's what I have, and it's great.

Posted By: Allegron Re: Yam 2400 Speaker Advice - 06/13/04 05:58 AM
The one thing Yamaha (yes they do reply to e-mails) told me about using 4 ohm speakers is that you cannot use the B speaker zone of your 2400. Go for the M60's.
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